Sorry to bother this community again with a follow up question: Now that glav works I have visually noticed a difference between the original (compressed) file and the glav-compatible (huge) file. In order to confirm my suspicion I issued the command: ffprobe -v error -show_format -show_streams <both versions> and compared the outputs - see attached diff.txt file.
It is obvious that (a) width and height ratio is changed (lines 12-13 vs 19-20); (b) yuv420p vs yuvj422p (lines 26 vs 33) - maybe not relevant for visual appearance; (c) time base (lines 42 vs 44) - this explains the bloated size, do we need this, and if not, how to leave it as original? Obviously, only item (a) is important, the rest is mainly for my curiosity and better understanding of the digital video concepts. Janos On Wed, 19 Oct 2022 14:36:58 -0400 "Janos G. Komaromi" <> wrote: > Thanks. Yes, glav works with -a 0. > > As far as /dev/dsp is concerned I may have to recompile kernel to > include oss drivers. I'll keep on working the sound part, but for my > most immediate editing tasks sound output is not that important. > > Thanks again for all you support and also for Stephen's idea of ffmpeg > method of simmply cutting out a section of the original (compressed) > .avi file. > > Best to all, > > Janos > PS - please add my other email address > > to members of your mailing list. >
3,5c3,5 < codec_name=mpeg4 < codec_long_name=MPEG-4 part 2 < profile=Advanced Simple Profile --- > codec_name=mjpeg > codec_long_name=Motion JPEG > profile=Baseline 7,12c7,12 < codec_tag_string=XVID < codec_tag=0x44495658 < width=800 < height=592 < coded_width=800 < coded_height=592 --- > codec_tag_string=jpeg > codec_tag=0x6765706a > width=480 > height=480 > coded_width=480 > coded_height=480 15,20c15,20 < sample_aspect_ratio=1:1 < display_aspect_ratio=50:37 < pix_fmt=yuv420p < level=5 < color_range=unknown < color_space=unknown --- > sample_aspect_ratio=N/A > display_aspect_ratio=N/A > pix_fmt=yuvj422p > level=-99 > color_range=pc > color_space=bt470bg 23c23 < chroma_location=left --- > chroma_location=center 29c29 < time_base=1/30 --- > time_base=1/600 32c32 < duration_ts=195950 --- > duration_ts=3919000 34c34 < bit_rate=896524 --- > bit_rate=7494070 36c36 < bits_per_raw_sample=N/A --- > bits_per_raw_sample=8 40c40 < DISPOSITION:default=0 --- > DISPOSITION:default=1 51a52,56 > TAG:creation_time=2022-10-18T19:11:27.000000Z > TAG:language=eng > TAG:handler_name=Libquicktime Video Media Handler > TAG:vendor_id=lqt > TAG:encoder=libquicktime-1.2.4 55,56c60,61 < codec_name=mp3 < codec_long_name=MP3 (MPEG audio layer 3) --- > codec_name=pcm_s16be > codec_long_name=PCM signed 16-bit big-endian 59,61c64,66 < codec_tag_string=U[0][0][0] < codec_tag=0x0055 < sample_fmt=fltp --- > codec_tag_string=twos > codec_tag=0x736f7774 > sample_fmt=s16 64,65c69,70 < channel_layout=stereo < bits_per_sample=0 --- > channel_layout=unknown > bits_per_sample=16 69c74 < time_base=1/7962 --- > time_base=1/44100 72,74c77,79 < duration_ts=N/A < duration=N/A < bit_rate=64000 --- > duration_ts=288042605 > duration=6531.578345 > bit_rate=1411200 77c82 < nb_frames=52007784 --- > nb_frames=288042624 80c85 < DISPOSITION:default=0 --- > DISPOSITION:default=1 91a97,100 > TAG:creation_time=2022-10-18T19:11:27.000000Z > TAG:language=eng > TAG:handler_name=Libquicktime Sound Media Handler > TAG:vendor_id=lqt 94c103 < filename=ezcap0001.avi --- > filename=output.avi 97,98c106,107 < format_name=avi < format_long_name=AVI (Audio Video Interleaved) --- > format_name=mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2 > format_long_name=QuickTime / MOV 101,102c110,111 < size=790039820 < bit_rate=967642 --- > size=7274687058 > bit_rate=8910053 103a113 > TAG:creation_time=2022-10-18T19:11:27.000000Z
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