the workaround I did use was playing back the file without sound. So a
command like that should work: glav -a 0 output.avi
If that works you can go.
If the /dev/dsp does not exist try loading the kernel module snd-pcm-oss
using a command like that: modprobe snd-pcm-oss
You should find than the /dev/dsp
You can give glav than another try like the way before, please also add
-v 2 for a more verbose output:
glav -v 2 output.avi
Janos G Komaromi wrote:
I've installed alsa-oss and now glav does not die. But it is still not
working properly. Here is the command and terminal output:
janos@andraslinux ~/tmp $ aoss glav output.avi
++: ++ WARN: [lavplay] Unable to set negative priority for audio thread.
++: ++ WARN: [lavplay] Pthread Real-time scheduling for audio thread
could not be enabled. ++: lavtools version 2.2.1
++: **ERROR: [lavplay] Error playing audio: Buffer overflow writing
audio ++:
The initial screen appears, and after about 4 second some noise comes
out of the speakers, and soon after the whole thing dies. Same with
lavplay. However, mplayer can play the almost 7 Gig output,avi
correctly with sound.
Is the file too big? Any other methods?
Thanks for your attention,
auf hoffentlich bald,
Berni the Chaos of Woodquarter
Email: bernh...@griesbach.at
www: http://www.lysator.liu.se/~gz/bernhard
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