Hi Janos,

I know I'm coming into this discussion a bit late but what kind of editing do you need to do on the files? If it's just "topping and tailing" - extracting specific timed sections out of the capture files and encoding them to another file - then the way I do it is with ffmpeg using something like:

$ ffmpeg -accurate_seek -ss $START_TIME_SECS -t $DURATION_SECS \

Hopefully, the shell variables are self-explanatory. I can get the times by simply playing the video with vlc or similar and using the fine adjustment controls and/or reduced play speed. You can add in filters as necessary to sharpen/denoise/crop.

I used to do this quite regularly and had a script to automate it, which I dumped onto github a few years ago at:
in case someone somewhere found it useful. It's some years since I last used it so I don't know whether it still works. Both components (the main script and the helper which it calls) need to be in $PATH.

I've never tried Kdenlive or Pitivi so I don't know what they're like but I've seen them both mentioned as good-enough video editors for basic work. They've both got ebuilds in the main Gentoo repo so it may be worth giving one or both a try. (Kdenlive is likely to pull in a ton of KDE dependencies, of course.)

Hope this helps,

On 15/10/2022 16:14, Janos G Komaromi wrote:
Progress report after reading the FM.

Executed the followig commands:
mplayer -ao pcm:fast:file=audio.wav -v null ezcap0001.avi
cat audio.wav | mp2enc -o audio.mp2
mplex audio.mp2 video_svcd.m2v -o test.mpg
mplex -V -r 1740 audio.mp2 video_svcd.m2v -o test.mpg
mplayer test.mpg
glav test.mpg

(1) mplex in either forms complains about too many frames dropped and
then quits.
(2) mplayer plays the file, but it is a long video, so I stopped B4
(3) glav has the same error as in my initial post.

So I'm still asking for help. There is no video editor available for
Gentoo. I like glav and would like to use it for my video files
transferred from old video recorder tapes.

Thx - Janos

On Mon, 10 Oct 2022 14:51:11 -0400
Janos G Komaromi <ja...@andraslinux.jgklinux.jankom.net> wrote:


Thanks, Bernie. One step closer.
I recompiled mplayer, and now the command works. I now have a
"video_svcd.m2v" file. It plays with mplayer but there is no sound.
So the next step: how do I make a complete file, video and sound, that
glav will be able to process for editing?



On Sat, 8 Oct 2022 19:15:04 +0200
Bernhard Praschinger <bernh...@griesbach.at> wrote:


Janos G Komaromi wrote:
Yes Bernie, that's it. My distro is Gentoo, which means it i
compiled from a Gentoo source. I believe I can recompile it with
the yuv4mpeg use flag. I'll post another message once I succeed
with the original command set just to close this thread. Thank you
for your help - Janos
One thing comes into my mind, it might be that the configure script
checks if the mjpegtools libraries are available and only activates
it automatic if it finds them the Option that force yuv4mpeg is:

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