
Thanks, Bernie. One step closer.
I recompiled mplayer, and now the command works. I now have a
"video_svcd.m2v" file. It plays with mplayer but there is no sound.
So the next step: how do I make a complete file, video and sound, that
glav will be able to process for editing?



On Sat, 8 Oct 2022 19:15:04 +0200
Bernhard Praschinger <bernh...@griesbach.at> wrote:

> Hallo
> Janos G Komaromi wrote:
> > Yes Bernie, that's it. My distro is Gentoo, which means it i
> > compiled from a Gentoo source. I believe I can recompile it with
> > the yuv4mpeg use flag. I'll post another message once I succeed
> > with the original command set just to close this thread. Thank you
> > for your help - Janos  
> One thing comes into my mind, it might be that the configure script 
> checks if the mjpegtools libraries are available and only activates
> it automatic if it finds them the Option that force yuv4mpeg is: 
> --enable-yuv4mpeg.

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