Hi Bernie,

I had to recompile (re-emerge in Gentoo) mjpegtools with quicktime and
dv included (with -f a the file size was over 2 Gig). Looks like I had
the right idea but not the precise way to get there. Followed your
instructions, but still not finshed. Note, I had to add -n n parameters
to the yuvscaler because it did not recognize the format. Here is the


janos@andraslinux ~/tmp $ cat audio.wav | mp2enc -v 2 -V -o sound.mp2
--DEBUG: [mp2enc] 6533 seconds done
   INFO: [mp2enc] Num frames 250036 Avg slots/frame = 731.429; b/smp =
5.08; br = 224.000 kbps INFO: [mp2enc] Encoding to layer 2 with
psychoacoustic model 2 is finished INFO: [mp2enc] The MPEG encoded
output file name is "sound.mp2" 

janos@andraslinux ~/tmp $ lavaddwav video_without_sound.avi sound.mp2
output.avi --DEBUG: [lavaddwav] File: video_without_sound.avi
--DEBUG: [lavaddwav]    format:             q
--DEBUG: [lavaddwav]    frames:        195950
--DEBUG: [lavaddwav]    width:            480
--DEBUG: [lavaddwav]    height:           480
--DEBUG: [lavaddwav]    interlacing:        0
--DEBUG: [lavaddwav]    frames/sec:    30.000
--DEBUG: [lavaddwav]    duration:    6531.667 sec
--DEBUG: [lavaddwav]  
**ERROR: [lavaddwav] Error in WAV header of sound.mp2
**ERROR: [lavaddwav] Unable to fill audio file structure


The original video excap0001.avi is 753 MiB
The video_without_sound.avi is 5.7 GiB (same as with -a a)
The  sound.mp2 is 174 MiB

Why is the "Error in WAV header"?
My audio.wav file is 1.1 GiB

On Sun, 16 Oct 2022 10:38:41 +0200
Bernhard Praschinger <bernh...@griesbach.at> wrote:

> Hallo,
> Sorry for the delay.
> When you want to convert the file so you can edit it with glav, you
> need to change the commands a little bit so glav understand the AVI.
> You need to create a intermediate AVI file:
> mkfifo stream.yuv
> cat stream.yuv │ yuvscaler -O SVCD │ yuv2lav -q 90 -f a -o 
> video_without_sound.avi &
> mplayer -nosound -noframedrop -vo yuv4mpeg ezcap0001.avi
> mplayer -vo null -ao pcm:file=audio.wav ezcap0001.avi
> cat audio.wav │ mp2enc -v 2 -V -o sound.mp2
> You need than to add the sound/audio to the video:
> lavaddwav video_without_sound.avi sound.mp2 output.avi
> If the avi file reaches the 2GB Filesizelimit you should change to
> the Quicktime. You need to replace the yuv2lav option -f a with: -f q
> output.avi contains video and sound, you can edit it with glav.
> After editing you get the edilist file, you can process as you are
> used. to.
> Janos G Komaromi wrote:
> > Progress report after reading the FM.
> > 
> > Executed the followig commands:
> > mplayer -ao pcm:fast:file=audio.wav -v null ezcap0001.avi
> > cat audio.wav | mp2enc -o audio.mp2
> > mplex audio.mp2 video_svcd.m2v -o test.mpg
> > mplex -V -r 1740 audio.mp2 video_svcd.m2v -o test.mpg
> > mplayer test.mpg
> > glav test.mpg
> > 
> > Results:
> > (1) mplex in either forms complains about too many frames dropped
> > and then quits.
> > (2) mplayer plays the file, but it is a long video, so I stopped B4
> > completion.
> > (3) glav has the same error as in my initial post.
> > 
> > So I'm still asking for help. There is no video editor available for
> > Gentoo. I like glav and would like to use it for my video files
> > transferred from old video recorder tapes.
> > 
> > Thx - Janos
> > 
> > 
> > On Mon, 10 Oct 2022 14:51:11 -0400
> > Janos G Komaromi <ja...@andraslinux.jgklinux.jankom.net> wrote:
> > 
> >> Hi,
> >>
> >> Thanks, Bernie. One step closer.
> >> I recompiled mplayer, and now the command works. I now have a
> >> "video_svcd.m2v" file. It plays with mplayer but there is no sound.
> >> So the next step: how do I make a complete file, video and sound,
> >> that glav will be able to process for editing?
> >>
> >> Regards,
> >>
> >> Janos
> auf hoffentlich bald,
> Berni the Chaos of Woodquarter
> Email: bernh...@griesbach.at
> www: http://www.lysator.liu.se/~gz/bernhard

sent from Janos' Hillary server and
NOT from iPhone nor Google
facebook, instagram, viber, snapchat, twitter, tik-tok, etc.
- neither of like those.

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