
> Recently I had to change the motherboard and since my PCI sound card is 
> very old (Ensoniq 1371), I decided to use the on-board card (C-Media, 
> alias AC'97, alias Intel ICH5, I don't know exactly what it is). It 
> works fine, but when I try to play some AVI file I recorded with the old 
> motherboard, I get this message:
> [lavplay] Error initializing Audio: Audio task died. Reason: Error 
> mapping audio buffer - Input/output error
This is only with your old motherboard ?
The error usually says that your sound card driver is not able to do 
mmap playback. Adding -U or --use-write, should solve the problem.
If it doesn't, please add the command you use for playback in the next 

auf hoffentlich bald,

Berni the Chaos of Woodquarter

www: http://www.lysator.liu.se/~gz/bernhard

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