On Wed, 12 Mar 2003, Martin Collins wrote:

> On Wed, 12 Mar 2003 14:16:45 -0500 (EST)
> Selva Nair <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > You can select and cut all the ads and then save the rest 
> > by "save all" to a single editlist. That's what I do. Or am I
> > missing something?
> Doh! I've been trying to save the bits I do want when all along
> I should have been cutting out the bits I don't want. And of
> course now I can't find the bit in the howto that made me think
> it had to be that way. I probably misread it totally.
> Thanks Selva (and James). I don't suppose you've spotted some
> blindingly obvious way of getting LVS to work with a Marvel too?

Indeed there is an easy way to switch-off tv display on LVS so that
capture and on card playback works with Marvel: simply leave out 
Load "v4l" from your XF86Config ! You may have to delete the Xv port
number from studio.conf to avoid it querying the previously configured
port. Without v4l extension on X, LVS will spit out some warning messages
and simply show a black screen for the tv display. I dont use gui for
capture, so I am not sure how useful this is.

I have hacked studio to switch off TV during capture, but TV overlay
with XV does not work properly on my system (marvel G200) so I haven't 
used this much either. If you want I can send you the patch.


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