On Wed, 12 Mar 2003 18:17:00 +0100
Bernhard Praschinger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> If you have a BUZ/DC10/LML33 card you can use HW Playback for the
> card using the "Playback Video" Tab. I do not know if this works for
> the Marvel cards too. (I have no Marvel Card)

No, it doesn't work. Actually, I was under the impression that LVS
used SDL for playback which should work (but doesn't for me).
With the Marvel you cannot currently capture and display or playback
using hardware at the same time. Since LVS is constantly capturing
(or at least displaying) TV you can't use it to capture video or 
hardware playback video you have already captured.
So for Marvel owners an option to switch off TV display when you start
capturing or playing video would make LVS useable.

> You can use more files running it that way:
> glav -p S *.avi
> glav -p S file1.avi file2.avi ... filex.avi
> But you cannot load a file edit it and than load a other file
> without restarting.

Right, but the problem is not editing more than one file it is saving
more than one edit. For example if I have some video that has an ad
break that I wish to remove I have to save two separate editlists then
combine them manually. Unless I'm doing it wrong, though the howto
mentions this shortcoming.


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