Blast. At least now I can stop smacking my head
against the keyboard. Mostly I liked using LVS because
I could set all the contrast/hue/brightness settings
while looking at moving video and get things exactly
to where they need to be. 

Ah well. Looks like I'll at least get to be an elitist
with my long strings of lavrec command lines. I can
see it now - when I see others using Cinelerra I can
say, "Oh,  I see you have to use a gui for your work.



Thanks for the replies. It brings clarity.

--- Ronald Bultje <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Marcus,
> On Wed, 2003-03-12 at 07:44, Marcus Smith wrote:
> > 1. LVS starts up but shows split and garbled video
> > from the VCR, no matter how I change the options
> to
> > use NTSC, etc.
> That's weird? Let's call that a hickup or so...
> This is what should happen:
> > 2. The video displays properly but when I try to
> > initialize a capture I get an error window telling
> me:
> > 
> > Lavrec failed with the following error: [lavrec]
> > Error opening video-device (/dev/video): Device or
> > resource busy
> Your device only supports one open(). Until the
> marvel/mga driver
> switches over to the new videodev2 subsystem
> (fops-based), this cannot
> be fixed. LVS currently only works with the zoran
> driver cards, since
> these support more than one open() (one for display,
> one for recording).
> Ronald
> -- 
> Ronald Bultje <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Linux Video/Multimedia developer

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