On Tue, Dec 23, 2008 at 10:48 PM, Andrew Konkol <akon...@gmail.com> wrote:
> since when does fortune _ _ _ _ _ have policy?

Now now, I didn't say they were good policies.  There's this wonderful
story I like to tell about my last place.  You may have heard me
ranting about the NotWork Engineer there.  But, this is a story about
their change management policies.

We had a work at home project, and the VP told me to do testing in a
way that doesn't affect production.  The said NotWork Engineer bought
a 100mb line that was doing *NOTHING* and had been doing nothing for 6
months.  Literally, bits were falling off the RJ45 onto the floor.  So
I told the VP we can use that.

The fucking fucker came up with a "top secret emergency CIO project
that needs to use the 100mb line".  We currently have two BGP'ed 10mb
line for redundancy.

Hold up pointer and middle finger, and twist them together.  I showed
that to the change management folks.  Told them that's current state.
Stuck thumb out, and told them that was the 100mb line.  Told them
that the NotWork guy wanted to break the 2 10mb line.  Untwist
fingers.  3 fingers are up right now.

Told them that NotWork guy wanted to give one 10mb line to me for
testing.  Fold pointer finger down.

Told them Notwork guy wanted to use BGP to bond the 10mb (middle
finger) and 100mb (thumb).

Told them he doesn't understand BGP and have no hope in hell of making
any of that work.

Therefore, the 100mb line won't be used.

Fold thumb away.

Waved Figure 1 in their collective faces.  Asked them if they
understood what that means if they allow the change to go through.

They allowed the change to go through.  I was right - the 100mb line
continued to stay unused.

In their defense, the NotWork guy must have had photos of the CIO - he
doesn't do any work, and have caused a lot of outages (who the fuck
designs a 10/8 network?) and I once saw the CIO apologizing to him
after making a business decision he didnt like.  For over 15 minutes.
"I want you to understand that it was nothing personal, blah blah

Now that the bile has gone down some, I love telling this story, with
the accompanying finger gestures.

> Seriously, production is a joke.

So, yes, a lot of times.

"This officer's men seem to follow him merely out of idle curiosity."
-- Sandhurst officer cadet evaluation.
"Securing an environment of Windows platforms from abuse - external or
internal - is akin to trying to install sprinklers in a fireworks
factory where smoking on the job is permitted."  -- Gene Spafford
learn french:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j1G-3laJJP0&feature=related

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