On Tue, Dec 23, 2008 at 7:29 PM, Ted Unangst <ted.unan...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Tue, Dec 23, 2008 at 6:44 PM, bofh <goodb...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Here's a vote for RT.  I've installed it, and also used it at F100 companies.
> Faint praise considering how many F100 companies are bankrupt. :)

Heh.  Well, the one I'm thinking of isn't.  Yet.  But RT was used by
their UNIX admin team, the ones that run (at that time) 2000+ DMZ
servers with 8 people.  A couple of them were and/or are freebsd
developers among others (hmm... maybe not the core developers, but
definitely have submitted code to freebsd/amanda/bash and wrote stuff
that is in <takes a quick look> /usr/ports).

Oh, and their security team (of which I was one).

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-- Sandhurst officer cadet evaluation.
"Securing an environment of Windows platforms from abuse - external or
internal - is akin to trying to install sprinklers in a fireworks
factory where smoking on the job is permitted."  -- Gene Spafford
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