
On Tue, 23.12.2008 at 19:44:57 +0200, open...@bgone.net <open...@bgone.net> 
> I would like to get your suggestions and experience with some Trouble
> Ticket Systems on OpenBSD.
> It should be rather simple.
> Users should be able to sand notes to support and check status of it.
> Support should be able to answer the tickets and check old tickets from
> the same user, etc.
> No need of phone integration.

this is still very sparse information about what you need. I suggest
test-driving some systems and then deciding to use one.

Ticket systems out there are quite different, according to their
intended usage, so what might work for me, might not work for you.

Some somewhat popular projects to look at should imho include Request
Tracker, Trac, Roundup, and maybe OTRS.

Kind regards,

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