
On Tue, Jan 01, 2008 at 05:27:59PM -0600, Marco Peereboom wrote:
>Still recoverable.  I have dealt with pretty badly burnt disks that we
>recovered data off.  Really the grinder is the way to go.

Thermite should do the work too. Hot enough to bring the material out of
the ferromagnetic temperature range, i.e. to lose its magnetization.

And nice special fx. *g*

Grinding leaves small pieces of still magnetized material where a
*very* determined (yeah, unlikely unless the data is worth *very*
much) attacker could try playing jigsaw puzzle.

Of course you could try combining a grinding and a demagnetizing
technique (for the latter I'm still partial with applying heat that
brings the material well out of the ferromagnetic range).

Kind regards,


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