new_guy wrote:

> I'm working on putting a website up now where I'll fully disclose the

> details. Lots of pictures and details. I will attribute the dd used to

> OpenBSD (the best OS on the planet bar none... although the dd on the

> install CD did not support the conv option... I would have liked to have

> done conv=noerror,sync). I plan to ship the drive off tomorrow. I plan to

> put this myth to rest... where it belongs.

Awesome :)

I totally like the idea, I'd like to put the "1 pass is not enough" myth to 
rest as well... I've been in the computing industry for 20 years, and I still 
refuse to submit to the "Americas NSA knows all" dogmai.

(I like the "Put Up or Shut Up" slogan as well!!)

Keep us informed Brad :)

-Nix Fan.

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