On 3 Jan 2008 18:55:14 -0800, Unix Fan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > (I like the "Put Up or Shut Up" slogan as well!!)
The problem is that none of us have the funds that the NSA has to aquire an answer that will actually silence this thread. The reality is: Who are you trying to protect it against? That question also allows you to guess what level of funding they have. If you are talking about $random_person_from_ebay, then sure probably /dev/zero is Good Enough (TM), however if you are talking about someone who can assign a dedicated team and spend months on it, with well over a million dollar budget then you will need to spend an equal amount to see that answer. This is precisely who some on this list are saying "that isn't enough" while others are going "it's good enough" because I suspect one is thinking on on a different budget level. While I haven't read every single message in this thread, I haven't seen anyone mention who they are trying to hide the data from.