Marco Peereboom wrote:
> Grind them up.  There is nothing else you can do to "permanently" wipe
> disks.  Residual magnetism is always there provided good enough
> equipment.  If your data is that sensitive there is nothing else but the
> grinder.

Be sure that you do this yourself or personally witness the act. I just
experienced this myself where a contractor was *paid* money to grind up hard
drives in a bunch of old Sun hardware before the equipment was auctioned off
online. The contractor even issued 'certificates of destruction' for the
drives... long story short, the drives had not been destroyed. They were
intact, untouched, not even a software wipe. The drives booted and worked
fine. A simple 'boot cdrom -s' to change the root passwd was all it took to
view the hard drive's content.

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