
the problem is to clean up the un-used storage locations. When I delete
files / logs/ etc... I don't want any one to recover them. I am not asking
how to securly discard my disks...

 The answers are (from the threads)

    1. rm -P
    2. fill up the disks with 0 and delete them when the disk is full or
near full

I am not looking for how to grind the disks or hammer the. How to get some
one to dispose of the hard disks..
Again, Is there a way to wipe the un-used space in my hard disks clean with
out afftecting the OS ?


On Dec 31, 2007 10:25 AM, Jon <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:

> hi
>  I see a lot of programs that are available to clean up the disks for
> Windows OS. Not wipe a disk but clean up deleted files so they cannot be
> recovered.
>  Is there any program for OpenBSD that will clean up the disks so that
> deleted files cannot be recovered.
>  (not looking to delete a file securly - but to wipe the disk clean of
> deleted file with out affecting the OS)
> -jon

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