
> Do you mind if I add your provider to the list I am developing here: 
> https://github.com/Asterismm54/Canadian-Web-Services with the point that 
> they will set you up with OpenBSD if you ask for it?

I am not Canadian but this is a nice list.

What are the requirements for including them, does the company simply
have to be Canadian? What if the company has foreign shareholders/held
by a foreign company?

> As you are likely aware, there is a very strong push towards web 
> services hosted in Canada/developed by Canadians/benefiting Canadians 
> right now.

I know the unspoken reason for this, but without getting political I
want to ask this, why only now is "buy Canadian" become a big thing?

I have always chosen providers from the same country than foreign
providers, not just for latency reasons but the company, and your data,
are under the same laws you are within.

And on that note, does anyone have a list of UK providers? I know of a
few providers but I am curious if there is some I don't know :D

Good luck katie with your list.

Take care,
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