I've already upgraded the NVM firmware on the Intel card to the
latest, no change in behavior

Are you sure about that? Your dmesg says differently:

ixl0 at pci1 dev 0 function 0 "Intel X710 SFP+" rev 0x02: port 0,
FW 6.0.48442 API 1.7, msix, 8 queues, address 40:a6:b7:b3:4b:28

In contrast my dmegs outputs:

ixl0 at pci1 dev 0 function 0 "Intel X710 SFP+" rev 0x02: port 0,
FW 9.152.77998 API 1.15, msix, 4 queues, address 40:a6:b7:b5:4a:c4

According to Intel, your firmware is more than 6 years old:

That's to not suggest that's the reason mind you. I've been issue-free
with my Intel X710-DA2 using a customized 10G SFP+ passive direct attach
copper twinax cable from FS with the other end connected to a Juniper
EX2300-24MP switch.

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