"In the face of ambiguity, refuse the temptation to guess."
- PEP 20

"Assumption is the mother of all fuck ups!"
- Steven Seagal

You've assumed many things and you've made a mistake.

Don't blame other people's work for it.
Don't test on production/daily use machines.
Test before deploy.

On Aug 24, 2016 12:36, "Bertram Scharpf" <li...@bertram-scharpf.de> wrote:

> Hi,
> first of all, I am an experienced OS installer and I did a
> heck of partitioning in my life. Now I had some unused disk
> space and I found it a good idea to install OpenBSD.
> The installers partitioning tool didn't offer me a variant
> that keeps my existing partitions. Therefore I immediately
> stopped it. But yet it was too late. The partition table was
> overwritten.
> The damage is not hard for me because I tersely do backups.
> But this behaviour is impudent. This blowfish is not a safe
> operating system, it rather is a poorly prepared fugu.
> Bertram
> --
> Bertram Scharpf
> Stuttgart, Deutschland/Germany
> http://www.bertram-scharpf.de

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