On Wednesday, 24. Aug 2016, 15:29:45 +0200, ludovic coues wrote:
> So please, tell us what you have done step by step, so we can see if
> there is anything that could be done in a better way.

The installer didn't offer me a copy-paste, tee, screenshot
or log facility. This makes it very difficult for me to
retrace what I have done or what I will have done.

But that doesn't matter any more.

> You are either trolling or telling us there is a usability bug.

This installer nuked away my whole notebook. Who wouldn't
get anrgy about that. If it is trolling to complain about
that, then after all I am a troll. If it is _not_ trolling
to write "lie", "bullshit" and to call me a "Hundepimmel"
(dogs willie), then I hope that I'm a troll.

It would be nice if you business partners would read what
you are dropping here.

Calling me a troll and then using the word "Hundepimmel" in
the same mail: Does this guy Eric Furman read what he
writes? This is an obvious Dunning-Kruger. Being given
offence by a community that doesn't throw out such a
low-minded person is not really hurting me. Poor, poor
people. I should feel sorry for you but you would have no
use for that.

Please leave the installer as it is so that everbody will be
warned early enough.


Bertram Scharpf
Stuttgart, Deutschland/Germany

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