On 24 Aug 2016 10:02 p.m., "Bertram Scharpf" <li...@bertram-scharpf.de> wrote: > This installer nuked away my whole notebook. Who wouldn't > get anrgy about that. If it is trolling to complain about > that, then after all I am a troll. If it is _not_ trolling > to write "lie", "bullshit" and to call me a "Hundepimmel" > (dogs willie), then I hope that I'm a troll.
Being a troll is not about being rude but making people lose their time. You came here with grand claim that the installer failed on you and basically have gone "fuck you, this thing make me dust up my back up, I'm not helping you". A bug report without the most basic info to help resolve the bug is a trolling attempt. You had a notebook with a blank hard drive. You could have installed a random Linux in 5 minutes then redone the openbsd installer step by step until you find which step overwrote the partition. Instead, you decided to go on the project mail list and told the dev their work is really really bad. And you are offended they took it as an insult. > > But that doesn't matter any more. > Obviously it does matter, else you wouldn't be here.