Stuart Henderson wrotes:

>On 2016-08-24, Bertram Scharpf <> wrote:
>> The installers partitioning tool didn't offer me a variant
>> that keeps my existing partitions.
>If you wanted to try it again, when it asks "Use (W)hole disk or
>(E)dit the MBR?", choose E.
>It doesn't exactly hold your hand every step of the way, but
>what could be clearer than "Use whole disk"?

The installer has 2 different steps to partitioning your disk.
At first ("Use (W)hole disk MBR, whole disk (G)PT or (E)dit?") it uses
fdisk(8) and after this step it will overwrites your partition table.

The next step ("Use (A)uto layout, (E)dit auto layout, or create (C)ustom
layout?") could not recover you partition table from previous step even by
pressing Ctrl+C.

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