On Wed, 13 Jan 2016 10:19:22 +0100
Marko Cupać <marko.cu...@mimar.rs> wrote:

> Can I hope that saying 'currently' means this is not the intended
> design? Or should I come to peace with the fact that with OpenBSD and
> PF I can forget about shaping inbound TCP traffic in a way that
> child queues can expand to max link bandwidth unless there is a
> congestion, while in congestion admin can choose which child queues to
> throttle and in which order?

Of course I didn't mean 'inbound' as 'incoming to NIC', but 'incoming
from the Internet'. Actual shaping would take place outbound on internal

I'm writing this so I don't get another set of mails which warn me I
can't shape inbound, but need to shape outbound traffic.

Before enlightenment - chop wood, draw water.
After  enlightenment - chop wood, draw water.

Marko Cupać

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