> On 11 Jan 2016, at 22:43, Daniel Melameth <dan...@melameth.com> wrote:
> On Sun, Jan 10, 2016 at 7:58 AM, Marko Cupać <marko.cu...@mimar.rs> wrote:
>> On Sat, 9 Jan 2016 11:11:27 -0700
>> Daniel Melameth <dan...@melameth.com> wrote:
>>> You NEED to set a max on your ROOT queues.
>> I came to this conclusion as well. But not only on root queues. For
>> example, when max is set on root queue but only bandwidth on child
>> queues, no shaping takes place...
> This works for me.
>> Or, to cut the long story short, if someone can paste queue definition
>> which accomplishes 'give both queues max bandwidth, but throttle
>> traffic from first queue when traffic from the second one arrives', I
>> will be more than happy to quit bothering misc@ list readers with my
>> rants and observations.
> I would expect this to be possible with prio alone, but I've never
> been able to get it to work.  Perhaps I'm misunderstanding how prio
> works.

prio is basically an array of lists of packets to be transmitted. high
priority packets go on a different list to low priority packets.

the problem is the way packets go on and off these lists. basically as soon as
a packet is queued on one of these lists for transmission, we call the driver
immediately to send it. generally as soon as a packet is queued on the
interface, it immediately gets dequeued by the driver and transmitted on the

it is only when you build up a backlog of packets that priq can come into
effect. the only way you can build up a backlog of packets is if your hardware
is slower at transmitting packets than the thing that generates these packets
to send.

in your case you're probably getting packets from a relatively slow internet
connection and transmitting them on a high speed local network. the transmit
hardware is almost certainly going to be faster than your source of packets,
so you'll never build up a queue of backlogged packets, so prio is effectively
a nop.


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