People wrote:

> There are two things which irritates me in computing:
> 1. Need of security updates
> 2. Two pieces of technology which are not compatible with each other.
> I'm GLAD that finally we have Javascript. At last, we have language and
> platform that WORKS universally.

Except it doesn't, server side code is more universal. Any idea how many
noscript users there are amongst other filters and browsers like

> It is simply wonderful. Best thing after invetion of WWW.

Wonderful yet the need for security updates irritates you??? If you had
looked into browser vulnerabilities you would see that the *vast*
majority even ones which do not mention that javascript is the issue
can be avoided by disabling javascript or the issue is javascript

>> (hey, even PayPal works without JS !)

Shortly before the recent security breaches I thankfully left paypal
partly because they started requiring javascript but mainly because
they were showing a technical lack of security understanding. Are you
saying that they have reverted requiring javascript?

> The thing is that web is more than "web sites". It is also full of
> applications and these are totally mixed.

Simple HTML5 features and CSS3 are welcome by me but even JIT for
performance annoys me. I'd rather they fixed the bugs and memory leaks
and let me use websites in style and confidence. If I want to run an
even more complex app then I would much prefer to to do just that and
run the web based dedicated application separately which any decent
application needs anyway (application or plugin) and making it pointless

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