No, the one lacking understanding is you -- the fact that 99.9% of the Internet users are clueless (and even worse, *lax*) about security, probably never heard of OpenBSD and most likely will never use it because it interferes with their daily fill of spam and malware is totally irrelevant for this particular community that, thankfully, has always been willing to do things *right* rather than *easy*.
On 3 Oct 2014 at 22:01, Matti Karnaattu wrote: > >I can't know what interest openbsdeurope has in requiring users to > >enable JS to obtain any information from their website. > > Probably 999 users in thousand doesn't want to make web crippled and > doesn't even think that standard JS is any special requirement. > > > *I* choose what programs my shell executes. But when I visit a > > webpage on the internet with javascript enabled, someone *else* > > chooses what programs are executed. > > No, you choosed that web page to visit. > > I think that you don't probably understand that web is nowadays > by default, software platform. Web pages are applications. > > You can make your life easier by enabling Javascript. > > Soon it is probably nearly impossible to do anything useful with web > without Javascript. It is defacto and dejure standard language for > portable applications.