> So you are saying that soon everything will be force fed to you and > you will be ok with it?
There are two things which irritates me in computing: 1. Need of security updates 2. Two pieces of technology which are not compatible with each other. I'm GLAD that finally we have Javascript. At last, we have language and platform that WORKS universally. No more dozen proprietary (or open source), incompatible platforms. Once we have C-language that can be compiled almost anywhere, with minor modifications as long as it was command line software. Now we have Javascript that runs in browser, almost everywhere, without modifications and do almost everything. It is simply wonderful. Best thing after invetion of WWW. > Just because something is the standard, doesn't make it good. Heh, very true! What you expect?! It is typical that inferior solutions wins. See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Worse_is_better C and Unix is same thing. Or how about C++? There was Ada back then too. Sadly, world is not ideal. Have to accept some crap too to get better. Yes, I think Javascript is horrible language but after industry mutually accepted it, it become very useful.