>You mean, there is _legislation_ on how to write software? Some industries, yes. But this is not related to JS.
Practically whole IT-industry supports JS. If you like to do portable application programming, you have to write JS or compile your code to JS if you want to get that working everywhere. >You mean, unlike C? Write graphical application, Hello World is enough, that should work on all desktops, workstations, tablet, pocket/phone and game console. It must work all supported versions and all HW architectures. End users must not need to compile code. Just run ready software. Now, do you see why C isn't portable by today standards? >Your browser is written in what language exactly? Application programmer doesn't need to know anything below browser. It is very strong interface. Something like libc. When someone writes some command line tool, there is no need to know what is below libc. >"Running PHP code top of Java stack"? >What on earth are you talking about? Portable application source is JS or compiled to JS (from Coffeescript, Typescript etc.). There is libraries and frameworks but they all run top of browser where everything is JS. In server side, below is libc and top of that there is Ruby, Java, C#, Python, PHP, C, C++, node.js etc. software stacks. And there is often code mixed from other software stacks and all those stacks of course are running. >Browsers are getting slower all the time. Bullshit. Try this: http://peacekeeper.futuremark.com Newer browsers run software faster. Ancient browsers may even fail tests. >Wah have had it for decades. There were JS applications made ten years ago, yes. It matured 2009 or something to be very usable. Before it was slow, buggy, some browsers were limited and it required much effort to make the crap working. In past year, JS technology is matured to that level there isn't much limitations any more. >You really _are_ trolling, right? I'm not. You just can't practically make portable application without JS or language that is compiled to JS. I think that is the biggest industry changing trend what is caused by iPhone. Before that, there was libc and some nice library like GTK+ or some other, you can write software that can compile and run about everywhere. Then Steve pulled iPhone from jeans pocket, iPhone was very closed ecosystem, useful and popular and changed application programming. You are very ignorant if you didn't notice that. Did you notice that Google, Microsoft and Canonical began to do the same? It also matters when over 99% of frontends are from these companies + game consoles too, which have always been restricted. It is impossible to application programmer to ignore that. Especially when everyone seems to be dropping out, deprecating or put second-class citizen status those technologies that makes possible to write easily portable software without JS. Example: -Apple has removed X from Mac OS -Both Red Hat and Canonical seems to be abanoning X -Microsoft is starting to upgrade OS once a year or something and advertise "unified OS". In Windows 8, all but WinRT and HTML5 apps works terribly. -Microsoft restricted new WinRT API to Microsoft store -Apple has deprecated Carbon -Those application stores are under control Simply, application programmer is pushed to JS stack if you want to make application portable, so that it also has a continuity. You never know when Win32, or some other backbone is dropped or it is available only in some embedded edition. It is also realized by Qt, because QML can run top of runtime, in environment where you just can't compile C++ for some reason. Of course it doesn't matter if application doesn't have to be portable. Just write C# for WinRT or C for OpenBSD + GTK+3 and be happy.