
Dňa Sun, 22 Sep 2024 09:14:17 +0200 Bastian Blank via mailop
<mailop@mailop.org> napísal:

> UCEProtect lists this ip in Level 2.  So this not about the single IP,
> but the whole net block (it even tells you, it's about
> And I found listings in Abusix for adresses within this block by
> simple probing, so they carry spam sources in this block.

Some time ago, i post evidence here, that UCE protect can list whole IP
block (/22 in that case) just by really few bad IPs, i don't remember
exact details (as i don't care, i just noticed it by accident), but
IIRC it was one IP with 7 attempts. What that one IP tells about rest
of ~1000 hosts in that net?

(one can search archive for details)

Yes, it **can be** useful signal for ISPs, to see that something happens
in their net (as outside view), but nothing more, just signal.



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