On 22Sep24, Marco Moock apparently wrote:
> Am 22.09.2024 um 09:18:27 Uhr schrieb Mark Delany via mailop:

> > and a lot of false negatives on ipv6, but otherwise it seems
> > pretty solid.
> They don't support IPv6 at all, so no spamtrap can be hit via IPv6.

Yes, that uceprotect ignores half the internet was the point. Are you alluding 
something above and beyond this?

Getting back to the main topic: I implore you to run your own mail server 
rather than rely
on an "smtp gateway".

As we all know, there are only two globally addressable communication systems 
on the
planet and only one of those allows participation by mere mortals such as us; 

Given the inherent land-grab nature of commercial entities, there will never be 
email. So, if we don't hang on to what we have now by being part of the 
infrastructure, it
will be lost forever.

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