My volume's about the same as Corey's. Maybe a hair lower. My ISP renumbered my MTA a few months ago so I moved my outbound to Amazon SES to avoid the pain of lost sender reputation. (I blogged about that here: )
It works, but it took a bit of getting used to. They do rewrite the return-path. You do have to register and verify sending domains. But the config on the sending side is super easy; you can just configure Postfix to relay out through SES and it takes nothing special other than the usual bits of postfix configuration. To that end, my usual alerts and cron output do actually work just fine still. I did configure mail/mailx to always append my domain name to emails, just to be safe. But that being said, now that my personal MTA is stable and available to me again, even with its new IP, I'm still going to move back to my own personal MTA again and go through the deliverability rigamarole of warming up the new IP, because I want to be master of my own destiny. (And as a deliverability person by trade, it's a good workout for the brain muscles to go through this myself. YMMV.) BTW, where do I host this MTA? ARP Networks: I've had a VPS there for a hundred years. At first it was my main server, but as I moved stuff elsewhere, I kept this server alive, but just as an MTA, due to its history of good IP reputation. ARP might be worth looking at to see about hosting your own mail server. I've had no spam hassles with them. Once in a while they ping me about something, but never with a heavy hand, and not often. Cheers, Al Iverson > > It appears that Corey H via mailop <> said: > >I expect it should be a pure smtp relay, change nothing in headers. We > >can pay for it. > > I have looked and found nothing. For fairly obvious reasons, relays > are picky about what they allow, and while your set of random mail may > be nice, someone else's that looks technically similar isn't. > > My current plan is to find a hosting provider who is familiar with > my client and will let us host a box running Postfix. There's a bunch > of related issues, e.g., nobody else sending bad mail from the same /24, > can assign a separate IPv6 /64, reverse DNS for both v4 and v6. > > I have a few candidates but I'm not going to name them because they all > made it clear that they don't do this for people they don't already know. > > R's, > John > _______________________________________________ > mailop mailing list > > -- Al Iverson // 312-725-0130 // Chicago // Deliverability // All about me // Book my calendar _______________________________________________ mailop mailing list