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> It [UCEProtect, ed.] is a really good indicator how many abusive
> IPv4 systems are in an AS.

I am questioning their methods, their data sources, and their evaluations.

It is guaranteed that they don't have visibility into everything (I am
saying this as somebody with a much less public report on similar stuff,
but recognizing the shortcomings of *our* data sources in the same way),
it is likely that their visibility is heavily biased, and it is clear
that their methods indicate that they don't even understand the concept
of end-user networks (PBL anyone?) but just lump everything together.

Their green listings might indicate that they've just never seen anything
from somewhere (the absence of evidence is not evidence of absence), and
their red listings might indicate that they've once observed a hijacked
home user's computer from somewhere, it's not even there any more
(because after a reboot it went from A.B.C.D to E.F.G.H), and are now
going for the /16 when they see the next one.

Atro Tossavainen, Founder, Partner
Koli-Lõks OÜ (reg. no. 12815457, VAT ID EE101811635)
Tallinn, Estonia
tel. +372-5883-4269, https://www.koliloks.eu/
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