No place for 252 ("I've accepted your message and I will do my best, but
you'll have to wait on word from the recipient before considering it

On 9/14/22 15:20, Jaroslaw Rafa via mailop wrote:
Dnia 14.09.2022 o godz. 16:49:58 Thomas Walter via mailop pisze:
If I send someone an email and get a reject, I know they didn't receive it.
It's my job to make sure they get the email then or contact them using other

That's a lot better than Schrödinger's mailbox where you don't know wether
an email got delivered, got overlooked in a spamfolder or - even worse -
A new SMTP response code that would indicate successful delivery, BUT marking
the message as spam, would be helpful.

But of course someone might always argue against it, that this can be abused
by spammers to work around filters...
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