Gmail can send email to spam if it arrives in a language that is different
from the recipient's default language setting.  Gmail will flag the message
as spam indicating that the message was flagged as spam because it was sent
in a language that they typically do not use.

On Mon, Sep 20, 2021 at 7:27 AM Jaroslaw Rafa via mailop <>

> I want to return to an old issue, which repeatedly happens again and again,
> that is, Google putting emails from me to recipient's spam folder. What's
> absurd, this happens not only to Gmail addresses to which I am writing for
> the first time, but also to recipients with whom I have previously
> corresponded and who marked my messages as non-spam. It even happens when
> I'm replying to a message I got from a Gmail user, which is totally absurd!
> It can even happen in a middle of an email exchange - ie. I have once
> exchanged a few messages with a Gmail user without problems, then suddenly
> one of my subsequent messages in the conversation went to Spam.
> This is really annoying and makes me mad. Can't Google really do anything
> about this? I have NEVER, EVER sent any spam from this address. I am NOT a
> bulk sender at all - I send only purely personal messages, and there are
> very few of them. I don't send on behalf of any third parties. SPF, DKIM,
> DMARC, rDNS is all correct - I sent a few test messages to test Gmail
> accounts I have created and Google displays everything as "PASS".
> There is absolutely no reason to classify me as a spammer. And it seems
> that this classification is based purely on my sender address or domain,
> because when I send from the same server, from the same IP address messages
> with sender address from a different domain, they arrive to Inbox without
> issues. So it's not a matter of "bad" IP reputation. It's a matter of my
> particular address/domain. Why Google dislikes it so much?
> I am even afraid to send anything to mailing list like this, because many
> recipients here may be on Gmail, and when they receive my message it will
> go
> to their Spam folders and they won't see it, so Google's AI will have even
> stronger signal that I'm a "spammer" and put more of my messages to spam...
> Seems to be a hopeless loop, is there any way out of this?
> --
> Regards,
>    Jaroslaw Rafa
> --
> "In a million years, when kids go to school, they're gonna know: once there
> was a Hushpuppy, and she lived with her daddy in the Bathtub."
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