Dnia 22.01.2021 o godz. 10:06:19 Marcel Becker via mailop pisze:
> I agree. I was merely responding to the notion that anything email is all
> equal (it's a common misconception).

Well, I may be old-fashioned and you may not agree with me, but I would say
even more: Any company whose core business is related to ANY network
services, and who does not host it's own mail (or website) looks
unprofessional to me.

Bulk mailing may be some kind of "art" and requires special knowledge, I
agree. Hosting mail for millions of totally different users, like Google
does, is also very specialized activity. But hosting mail for themselves,
for strictly business purposes, even if it's a big company, it's no "rocket
science". It just requires competent admin staff.

As I said: you may disagree. It's just my opinion.
   Jaroslaw Rafa
"In a million years, when kids go to school, they're gonna know: once there
was a Hushpuppy, and she lived with her daddy in the Bathtub."
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