On 21/01/2021 14:38, Gregory Heytings via mailop wrote:

That's orthogonal to the point at hand.  The point is that honest customers can have their WordPress website hacked.  This might indeed happen because of apathy on the part of that customer, but a server provider cannot do anything to detect customers that do not upgrade their website regularly enough.  The product they sell is a bare machine in a datacenter.
Indeed. But when we've had abuse reports against our data centre IP addresses, we've immediately had an email from our hosting provider demanding to know why. If they don't get a quick response to that, they're on the phone to us.

I suspect some hosting providers aren't as diligent (possibly because they charge so little that they can't afford staff to handle it, possibly because they don't care as long as they are paid)

Either option is valid for the hosting provider, but the apathetic hosting providers shouldn't be surprised when their reputation is tarnished, and the customers should possibly be more careful about which hosting providers they choose to use if they care about their server's reputation (as they need to if trying to send email)

Paul Smith Computer Services
supp...@pscs.co.uk - 01484 855800


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