On Thu 21/Jan/2021 13:26:43 +0100 Jim Popovitch via mailop wrote:
On Thu, 2021-01-21 at 13:08 +0100, Alessandro Vesely via mailop wrote:
On Wed 20/Jan/2021 14:25:10 +0100 Jim Popovitch via mailop wrote:
On Wed, 2021-01-20 at 14:10 +0100, Renaud Allard via mailop wrote:
On 1/20/21 1:58 PM, Jim Popovitch via mailop wrote:
On Wed, 2021-01-20 at 13:29 +0100, Hetzner Blacklist via mailop wrote:

New/current policy: http://www.uceprotect.net/en/index.php?m=3&s=5

You failed to mention this bit from that link:

"UCEPROTECT-Level 3 lists all IP's within an ASN except those approved
and clean IP's that are registered at ips.whitelisted.org"

Isn't that exactly what is called as extortion/blackmail?

No, no it's not.  I'll leave it to your legal dept to explain that to

 From their web site:


Registration is available for 1 Month (25 CHF), 6 Month (50 CHF), 12 Month (70
CHF), 24 Month (90 CHF) .

So yes, perhaps it's not extortion.  We may call it demanding money with
menaces, exaction, extraction, blackmail...

Lot's of things in life require payment(s), or purchase of addon
equipment, depending on your circumstances in life, your living
arrangements, or your location.  If you are in a high-crime area your
mortgage insurance will probably require you to purchase an alarm, or if
your home is prone to house fires, a smoke detector.  Then there are
taxes, fees, licenses, etc.  Life is self is pay-to-play, whether you
realize it or not.

Yeah, and when they'll need more beer they can just update their formula so as to blacklist a whole AS on the first spam, or maybe the whole RIR.

Even taxes are being payed for better reasons.


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