Hi Bastiaan,

Other data centres have the same challenge as you. Hosting providers have
historically had a bad reputation because a spammer can use a stolen or
pre-paid card to sign up and start sending emails in less than an hour. If
you offer shared hosting, a customer can upload an in-secure script and
turn the server into a snow shoe spam relay. The list just goes on. I think
it understandable that some mailbox providers choose not to automatically
trust unallocated and unassigned IP ranges from hosting providers.

But, I'm wondering if it's actually a problem for you? You're not providing
ready to run email servers. If people want to send email then they should
know how to set up an Internet email server and get their specific IP
address white-listed.

Couldn't this be solved with a knowledge base article? Because users will
also have to create SPF records etc. if they expect any type of reasonable

I say this because we're customers of Hetzner. And we run a mail server on
a dedicated server in your data centre. When we commissioned that server,
one of the steps we took was to get the IP white-listed by Microsoft. The
process took under one hour. Now, perhaps if we didn't know what we were
doing it might have taken longer. We have had zero deliverability problems
with them since then. Probably because we don't relay spam or engage in
opt-out marketing etc.  


Ken O'Driscoll / We Monitor Email
t: +353 1 254 9400 | w: www.wemonitoremail.com

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