Great, glad to hear that was it.


Andrew D. Wingle
Principal Delivery Strategist

717-627-4528 x318
717-625-7857 direct<><>

From: mailop [] On Behalf Of Miles Fidelman
Sent: Wednesday, June 29, 2016 4:47 PM
Subject: Re: [mailop] looking for contact at / info about comcast fbl - 

On 6/29/16 4:02 PM, Andrew Wingle wrote:
Hi Miles, on the whim of asking a stupid question, do you have any filtering in 
place that might be stripping attachments for the inbound complaints?

Not at all stupid - you just solved my problem.

Every ARF complaint we receive from Comcast has the original message attached 
as well as the original headers. They do change some parts such as the Original 
To address but other than that everything I need remains. The original 
Message-ID header that I tagged on the message is available as well. Below is 
an example ARF that I received from Comcast. For obvious reasons I did not 
include the message data, which is the originally sent message, attached to the 

That's a critical piece of information.  I'm no kicking myself - color me 

I didn't THINK I was doing any filtering - the last time I received an FBL 
report (from AOL), it had all the right information.  But... just before going 
off to check my spamassassin config, I realized that I recently switched email 
clients.  It turns out that Thunderbird's header-view settings apply to 
attachments - so it's been blithely filtering out all the header information.

Changing to view>headers>all solves everything.

Thank You!!!



In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice.

In practice, there is.  .... Yogi Berra
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