Well, I just received this from Return Path:


Thank you for contacting us.

In order to obtain more information about the abusive user, you may implement a tracking ID, Please see the information below
that is provided in  the Comcast FAQ page:

"The ISP may redact parts of the original message to protect the privacy of their users. In the event an ISP redacts subscriber email addresses from their feedback loop messages, you should incorporate a tracking ID unique to the recipient's record in your database and your messages so that you can process the removals. You can add this ID in the body of the message or add an "X" header in the header of the message. An example of this could be "X-SenderName-ClientID: 543432".


I find it rather disturbing that one of the major vendors of spam filtering services does things in such a non-standards-compliant way. Everyone else (well, AOL, Yahoo, the other "big boys") seem to return message-id along with an FBL notice. Return Path seems to filter it out.

That's just painful.


Miles Fidelman

On 6/29/16 3:33 PM, Miles Fidelman wrote:

That's the thing. I DO VERP our SMTP envelopes, but Comcast's FBL reports only include this:

User-Agent: ReturnPathFBL/1.0
Abuse-Type: complaint
Arrival-Date: Wed, 29 Jun 2016 15:23:37 +0000
Feedback-Type: abuse
Version: 1
Reported-Domain: lists.fusn.org


[8d29aa11b1810bec67beca0de3554359] Free: pair of planters
<redacted by me>
6/29/16, 11:23 AM


Note that the

Addresses are not the VERPed address, or even the recipient address. They seem to be an obfuscated version of the LIST address. Not really helpful.

As far as I can tell, there is NOTHING in the abuse report that can be associated with either the final recipient or a message-id that would let me locate the message in our outgoing logs (from which, given VERP, I could find the recipient).

Based on other comments, I sent a query to Return Path - I'm half expecting that they'll offer to sell me the info, or a slot on their whitelist.


Miles Fidelman

On 6/29/16 3:10 PM, Vick Khera wrote:

On Wed, Jun 29, 2016 at 12:50 PM, Miles Fidelman <mfidel...@meetinghouse.net> wrote:

    Is there anybody here from Comcast mail operations who can
    provide some guidance as to how to identify the originator of an
    abuse report, so I can remove them from the list(s)?

If you VERP the SMTP envelope sender address, that should help you out. It comes back embedded in the report as "Original-Mail-From:"

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