Note the quote from the Comcast FAQ page "The ISP may redact..."

That seems to indicate that this is Comcast's decision, not Return Path's.


On Wed, Jun 29, 2016 at 2:42 PM, Miles Fidelman <>

> Well, I just received this from Return Path:
> -------
> Thank you for contacting us.
> In order to obtain more information about the abusive user, you may
> implement a tracking ID, Please see the information below
> that is provided in  the Comcast FAQ page:
> "The ISP may redact parts of the original message to protect the privacy
> of their users. In the event an ISP redacts subscriber email addresses from
> their feedback loop messages, you should incorporate a tracking ID unique
> to the recipient's record in your database and your messages so that you
> can process the removals. You can add this ID in the body of the message or
> add an "X" header in the header of the message. An example of this could be
> "X-SenderName-ClientID: 543432".
> --------
> I find it rather disturbing that one of the major vendors of spam
> filtering services does things in such a non-standards-compliant way.
> Everyone else (well, AOL, Yahoo, the other "big boys") seem to return
> message-id along with an FBL notice.  Return Path seems to filter it out.
> That's just painful.
> Sigh.
> Miles Fidelman
> On 6/29/16 3:33 PM, Miles Fidelman wrote:
> That's the thing.  I DO VERP our SMTP envelopes, but Comcast's FBL reports
> only include this:
> User-Agent: ReturnPathFBL/1.0
> Abuse-Type: complaint
> Arrival-Date: Wed, 29 Jun 2016 15:23:37 +0000
> Feedback-Type: abuse
> Version: 1
> Source-IP:
> Original-Rcpt-To:
> Original-Mail-From:
> Reported-Domain:
> ForwardedMessage.eml
> Subject:
> [8d29aa11b1810bec67beca0de3554359] Free: pair of planters
> From:
> <redacted by me>
> Date:
> 6/29/16, 11:23 AM
> To:
> Note that the
> Original-Rcpt-To:
> and
> To:
> Addresses are not the VERPed address, or even the recipient address.  They
> seem to be an obfuscated version of the LIST address.  Not really helpful.
> As far as I can tell, there is NOTHING in the abuse report that can be
> associated with either the final recipient or a message-id that would let
> me locate the message in our outgoing logs (from which, given VERP, I could
> find the recipient).
> Based on other comments, I sent a query to Return Path - I'm half
> expecting that they'll offer to sell me the info, or a slot on their
> whitelist.
> Sigh...
> Miles Fidelman
> On 6/29/16 3:10 PM, Vick Khera wrote:
> On Wed, Jun 29, 2016 at 12:50 PM, Miles Fidelman <
> <>> wrote:
>> Is there anybody here from Comcast mail operations who can provide some
>> guidance as to how to identify the originator of an abuse report, so I can
>> remove them from the list(s)?
> If you VERP the SMTP envelope sender address, that should help you out. It
> comes back embedded in the report as "Original-Mail-From:"
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