Hi Tim,

     Tomorrow I can try turning VoiceOver on before I open  Safari.   My 
head hurts too much tonight.  Yes, I tried the training thin g three times, 
and couldn't even get it to work in the training module.  I've printed a 
ten page list of commands, a 30 page list of commands, and a whole bunch of 
other stuff to no avail.  I'm old.  Very old.  

Even as a former web designer, I have no idea what a web rotor, web spot, 
or half of those other terms are. I used to write CSS and HTML.  I don't 
recognize the visible page as HTML, rather as text, so some terms are 
likely flipping.

I need a step by step guide.  I'll create one myself, if I have to.

Somehow, no matter what key combination I try, and the VO arrow, or VO 
shift arrow mostly beeps at me.  There must be a setting wrong somewhere.   
It shouldn't be that hard to figure out.  How did anyone ever figure it out 
with a rocket science degree?

Your notes should help me a lot.

On Sunday, January 12, 2014 4:43:39 PM UTC-5, Tim Kilburn wrote:
> Hi April,
> As others have mentioned, I believe that you're approaching this from a 
> more difficult prospective than necessary.  When you turn off VoiceOver 
> (VO) before starting Safari, you're causing VO to behave different than 
> most people on this list would experience.  That is, if you start Safari 
> while VO is already on, then VO usually will automatically be focused in 
> the HTML area.  When you turn VO on after the fact, VO focus is at the most 
> upper level it can be.  By the way, have you used the VoiceOver QuickStart 
> guide r looked through the VoiceOver commands?  While VO is on, press the 
> VO keys (ctrl and option) along with the letter h and there's some very 
> helpful material there for you.
>   But, I believe that some explaining would benefit you here as well, so, 
> we'll start with some VO Safari basics:
> 1.  When VoiceOver (VO) is turned on and you wish to navigate within 
> Safari, you essentially have layers of items that you can deal with.  As 
> you use VO-right/left or VO-up/down around the Safari screen, VO will 
> announce things like "Toolbar", Web-page name followed by HTML Content, 
> various Sidebars and Close, Minimize, Zoom buttons.  Things like Toolbars 
> and Sidebars require you to dig a level down to know what's there.  In VO 
> language, that is "Interacting With" and item.  So, pressing VO-shift-down 
> arrow Interacts with the item and drills you down into that level of items. 
>  You can then navigate with VO-left/right/up/down to determine the 
> available items at that level.  Once you are at a lower level of items, for 
> example within the Toolbar, you only here about that level unless you press 
> VO-shift-up arrow to Stop Interacting with the Toolbar or  that specific 
> level of items.
> When you hear VO announce "Web-page name HTML Content", that is the area 
> where all the web content resides.  Interact with that area then use 
> VO-left/right/up/down to navigate around and VO-space or your return key to 
> activate a given link.  You can also use the tabkey to move between links 
> but remember that when using the tabkey, you will likely miss any textual 
> or other content.
> Another thing that you may find beneficial is the cmd-l command.  This 
> command moves focus to the Address/Search field.  So, pressing cmd-l, then 
> typing "www.google.com" followed by the return key will send you to 
> Google's home page.  And, pressing cmd-l and entering "VoiceOver commands" 
> followed by return will do a Google search for this phrase and give the 
> results within the HTML Content area.
> This is a start for you, and remember that VO is designed to be able to 
> use the same command structure no matter what application you're using. 
>  So, learning basic VoiceOver navigation is essential and will actually 
> make your experience much less frustrating.
> HTH.
> Later...
> On Jan 12, 2014, at 12:52 PM, Donna Goodin <donia...@me.com <javascript:>> 
> wrote:
> April,
> I can't even imagine what approach you're trying to take here, or why 
> you're taking it.
> In the nearly four years I've been using a Mac, I don't think I've *ever 
> turned Voiceover off.  You don't need to "clear" anything.
> Best,
> Donna
> On Jan 12, 2014, at 1:34 PM, April Brown <aprilbr...@gmail.com<javascript:>> 
> wrote:
> The reason for turning VoiceOver off is to clear it, so when I open it 
> back up, it will be back at the beginning, and maybe I can manage to figure 
> out the steps to opening a web page from the bookmarks.  I know it's 
> incorrect.  I haven't found directions anywhere.  I just have multiple 
> lists of commands, and no idea what order to put them in.  It's a giant 
> jigsaw puzzle.  I try what you suggest.
> Thanks,
> April
> .
> On Sunday, January 12, 2014 2:29:48 PM UTC-5, Ray Foret jr wrote:
>> April,
>> First, you are needlessly making far too much work for yourself all for 
>> nothing.  Why do you insist you must turn Voice OVer off every time you get 
>> out of Safari.  This is quite frankly, unnecessary.  Also, the procedure 
>> you are using to try to open bookmarks is completely incorrect.
>> First, leave Voice OVer on.  DO, NOT, turn it off.
>> Here’s how to get in to book marks.
>> 1.  Open Safari.
>> 2.  Now, press VO+m to open the menu structure.
>> 3.  Now, press b for book marks.
>> 4.  Now, arrow down in to this menu, and, when ever you hear a book mark 
>> folder you want to get in to, press right arrow to expand it.
>> Want to edit your book Marks?
>> Do this.
>> 1.  Open safari.
>> 2.  Press Cmd+Option+b.  That gets you in to the edit book marks window.
>> You should know enough by now to take it from there.
>> Sent from my Mac, the only computer with full accessibility for the blind 
>> built-in!
>> Sincerely,
>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray, still a very happy Mac and Iphone 5 user! 
>> On Jan 12, 2014, at 1:21 PM, April Brown <aprilbr...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I opened Safari.
>> I turned VoiceOver on.
>> After a dozen tries, I managed to get it onto the Bookmarks.
>> Somehow, as I was transferring my notes to a Pages document, it crashed, 
>> and a low, low, grumbling male voice started speaking.
>> I turned off VoiceOver, closed Safari, and tried again.
>> Another dozen tries, and I never did get it back on the Bookmarks bar to 
>> an actual  bookmark.  The one time I did, it wouldn't click on it, it 
>> highlighted and wanted to change it.  Huh?
>> So, I closed and turned it all off again.  
>> Then, I opened Safari back up.  Opened up a web page, and turned 
>> VoiceOver back on.  Again it got stuck in the menu, and would not get to 
>> content.  At least, unlike in Firefox, I can click on the region I need 
>> read to me, and it will then work.
>> That's my 30 minutes of trying to open a webpage today.
>> Back to writing.
>> And you wonder why I need step by step directions, and not just a random 
>> list.
>> So far, to get it on Safari, I have:
>> Step 1:  Open Safari
>> Step 2:  Command, F5 to start VoiceOver
>> Step 1: Control, Option, Down arrow from the menu to the bookmarks.  And 
>> yet it doesn't quiet work, as it doesn't go the list of bookmarks.  It did 
>> once.
>> And where did this creepy male voice come from that keeps interrupting?  
>> I can't comprehend low tones.
>> -- 
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