Thanks, that sounds the way to go then.
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: Caps Lock to VO keys and more
From: Gavin Grundlingh <>
Date: Wed, 29 Aug 2012 07:03:03 +0200
Hi Max,
Control-Option-Tab will ignore the next key pressed and send it
directly to the operating system. Using caps lock, you would press
caps lock-Tab to do the same thing.
Gavin Grundlingh
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Skype: Batworx
On 29 Aug 2012, at 5:10 AM, agent086b <
<>> wrote:
Hi, is there a keystroke in VO that will pass the next key pressed to
the computer by passing VO? There is such a keystroke in some PC
screen readers. This would mean you could bypass VO and use the caps
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: Caps Lock to VO keys and more
From: Eric Caron < <>>
Date: Tue, 28 Aug 2012 22:47:36 -0400
Hi Mary,
If you follow my podcast you will no longer have a caps lock key but
rather a very convenient Voice Over key. If you want your caps lock
back you can either go to the extras menu in Mountain Lion for
KeyRemaper4Macbook and press the preferences button and then you
can either temporarily turn off the key remap with a check box or
uncheck it permanently.
For me this is a non issue as I almost never use the caps lock key
and can use the shift key when needed. The advantage of having the
caps lock act as the voice over modifier key is infinitely more
important to me. I keep finding ways why this works so well. for
example opening a disclosure triangle is now so much easier. I just
holde the caps lock key down with my left little finger and tap the
\ key with my other little finger. I never take my hands off the
home keys. In the past my left hand had to go all the way down to
the Option Control keys on the left side completely stopping my
typing flow.
I still have a lot of muscle memory that causes me to use the old VO
Keys but little by little I am increasing my speed by taking
advantage of the caps lock. It is great! another key I now use
more often is vo w and VO w twice. This is the word and the
spelling of a word. with caps lock and w it is fast and easy. with
standard vo keys on the bottom left I had to reach my right hand way
over to the w key, and this was quite a contortion just to hear what
word I was on, I don't need to do this any more. I do it all with
my left hand never leaving the home row keys.
Hope this info helps.
Eric Caron
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