I'd like to add my thanks for this hack. I just got it working and I think 
it'll be a massive help in using the mac. Of course, I no longer have a caps 
lock key, but I rarely use it anyway and I could always map another key to it. 
Thanks again!
On Aug 28, 2012, at 9:20 AM, Bill Holton <bill32...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi.
> No need to send.  I found the post.  Thanks.
> Email:                b...@bholton.com
> Direct:               386-624-6309
> Home Office:  1520 Loughton ST
>               DeLand, FL  32720
> -----Original Message-----
> From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
> [mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Eric Caron
> Sent: Monday, August 27, 2012 7:01 PM
> To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
> Subject: Caps Lock to VO keys and more
> Hello listers,
> I have long wanted the VO keys "Control Option"  to be available as the caps
> lock key.  this would allow one finger to hold down the keys.  Also, the
> location of the Caps Lock key is ideal for reaching many keys that need to
> be pressed with the Voice Over keys.
> Using the caps lock key as the VO modifier would dramatically reduce the
> times I find my fingers contorted trying to press multiple keys all over the
> keyboard.  
> For those of us who type with our fingers on the home row this allows us to
> use the VO modifier while keeping our hands ready to continue typing.
> I'm pleased to let you know that this is now possible.  Thanks to Takayama
> Fumihiko, the developer of KeyRemap4Macbook.  this application in
> conjunction with another application by the same developer allows a Mac user
> to remap the caps lock key as the "Control and Option" keys pressed
> together.
> The other application is called PCKeyboardHack.  These two apps and a file
> created for VO users makes this possible.
> Although a write up of this process would probably be more efficient  for
> most of us, that is not my strength.  Instead, I have provided a link below
> to a podcast that walks through the set up.
> In addition below are links needed to obtain the applications and the
> specially constructed xml file.
> Finally, I have provided links to some additional help documentation 
> The application developer responded to my request for this capability within
> hours of my written request.  I have also been asked to contact again if
> there are any other ways the application can help blind users.
> This was such a nice response.  I'm still amazed as I have written to Apple
> asking for this every few months or so, only getting back the standard
> answer,"thank you for your suggestion." .
> I'm so grateful to now have this ability. 
> Also, please be aware that this application can also remap other keys.  For
> example you could make the command key on the right of your space bar a
> Control key giving you another set of Voice Over Keys.
> KeyRemap4Macbook also creates a num pad on your regular keyboard.  this
> makes it possible to use num pad commander on a standard keyboard.  
> This is covered in a excellent post by Ester on the Mac-Access.net list. 
> One gentle reminder.  This is donation ware so if you use this as much as I
> do please support this developer.  and, as we come up with more ways this
> application can help and as the OS changes we will want this developer to
> support us.
>       This was the most challenging podcast I have created so far.  If you
> see a need for revision please let me know. 
> I will be submitting this podcast to applevis.com .  In the meantime here is
> a dropbox link 
> https://dl.dropbox.com/u/5620907/KeyRemap4Macbook.mp3
> Below are the links I give in the podcast and also the XML text you will
> need.
>> Link to  KeyRemap4MacBook and PCKeyboardHack applications.
>> http://pqrs.org/macosx/keyremap4macbook/pckeyboardhack-usage.html.en
>> Link to instructions on changing the Caps Lock key to PC application key.
> the needed key code number is 110.
>> http://pqrs.org/macosx/keyremap4macbook/pckeyboardhack-usage.html.en
>> Link to   private.xml, that  changes PC Application Key to Control+Option.
>> https://github.com/tekezo/Files/blob/master/KeyRemap4MacBook/private.p
>> c_application_to_controloption/private.xml
>> Link to instructions on how to use private.xml.
>> http://pqrs.org/macosx/keyremap4macbook/document-private-xml.html
>> The Following is the text of the Private xml
>>> <?xml version="1.0"?>
>>> <root>
>>> <item>
>>> <name>Change PC Application Key to Control+Option.</name> 
>>> <identifier>private.pc_application_to_controloption</identifier>
>>> <autogen>--KeyToKey-- KeyCode::PC_APPLICATION, KeyCode::OPTION_L, 
>>> ModifierFlag::CONTROL_L</autogen> </item>
>>> </root>
> --
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