Hello all,
Thanks for your warm responses to my original post. I very much
appreciate it.
I wanted to stress again that I do not claim I love everything about
VoiceOver, however, the same can be said about other screen readers on
the market. I did make a jump to the Mac for purely selfish reasons
thanks to the very comfortable computing experience with Macbook Air.
I spent less time at my desk than ever before. MBA has disrupted some
of my computing habits and a little struggle here and there is all
worth the move... For now, at least...

At this point as a community member you have two choices: if you love
your Mac-based environment but don't like things about VoiceOver,
don't just walk away! Send feedback to Apple, submit and update bugs
in Apple's Bug Tracker. Blog about your experience (yes, if the
articles are constructive, I would be happy to retweet them). Be vocal
but reasonable!
If you don't like Mac-based environment and VoiceOver simply doesn't
cut it for you, then please find a more suitable experience, either on
Linux or Windows, and contribute there. We need all the help we can
get to make computers more accessible to people with disabilities all
over the world. The more competition, the better for everyone!

Merry christmas ,all!

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