OK Chris I am going to take into account that you are super frustrated, so if I 
get this wrong again, please don't yell at me again. Now, if I understand what 
your message says, and I did read all that this time, I don't believe that you 
can change this. I have been trying to change this since 2011. It sounds like 
you are seeing the control m followed by the control Jay. If you ever figure 
out how to do this, please let me know because I have been trying to get rid of 
them also. Whenever I do use my Mac with the braille display, I have just 
learned to ignore it.

 The only program that I have found that gets rid of them is in Bard mobile 
whenever you read a BRF file. I seem to remember that you said you didn't find 
it in pages, and if that's true, I believe that may be something new. The last 
time I tried to use pages with the braille display writing just texted not a 
table, I saw the same control characters.

Gigi Sent from my iPhone

> On Jul 21, 2015, at 5:25 PM, Christopher-Mark Gilland <clgillan...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
> GG,
> Did you read my message in its entirety?  With all due respect, the issue has 
> not the slightest thing to do with the display not being recognized.  That's 
> not even remotely! close to the problem I'm having, and the display has 
> already been detached.  It was never attached in the first place.
> If it had been, I wouldn't have been able to use it effectively in the first 
> regard.
> Please go back and re-read my msg again from beginning to end.  I'm not 
> trying to be rude purposely, if that's how I'm coning across, but it just 
> seems strange that you'd write this when detaching it is no different than 
> having a guitarest drive a yellow pokodotted motocycle through a swimming 
> pool... in other words, I don't comprehend the rellavence, especially being 
> it's already done, and has been so from the start.
> Please don't read between the lines!  I'm extremely grateful for your effort 
> to help.  I just don't see the connection.
> Chris.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Eugenia Firth
> To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
> Sent: Tuesday, July 21, 2015 6:15 PM
> Subject: Re: Weirdest thing ever! with refreshable braille display!
> Hi there 
> You need to take the braille display off the PacMate. Look under itand find 
> the release key. This should result in taking the braille display off the 
> PacMate, at least it does on BX PacMate. Then you need a USB cable, and you 
> can plug the USB cable into the braille display and the other end into the 
> Mac. Hopefully, when you do this, VoiceOver will recognize the PacMate 
> display. It did the last time I plugged in a PacMate display. It better 
> because I still have one that I want to use in an emergency. It doesn’t do 
> Bluetooth, by the way, so forget it on an iOS device. 
> Gigi 
>> On Jul 21, 2015, at 3:49 PM, Christopher-Mark Gilland 
>> <clgillan...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Guys,
>> I swear to God I'm about ready to pull my f***ing hair out over here!  So is 
>> my friend.
>> I never ever have ever used a braille display before.  My friend who flew 
>> down to visit with me for a few weeks brought along with him a Packmate QX 
>> 40 original USB braille display.  This is not the up to date display.  It's 
>> only the classic model.  He got it in 2004 if that helps.
>> I have plugged it into my I5 Mac Mini Late 2012 system, running Yosemite 
>> 10.10.4.  This is not a public beta or the like.  This is the official 
>> available up to date release.  I have also pulled      the EFI firmware 
>> update that just came down on July the 15th, if that makes any difference, 
>> although, even before doing so, I still saw this issue.
>> I have disabled all the status cells, and am using contracted braille, 
>> therefore causing dot 7 8 braille to be disabled.
>> In my Voiceover Utility, (VO+F8,) I have disabled the showing of the 
>> Voiceover Cursor, although even when turned on, I'm still noticing this 
>> issue.
>> I've reset Voiceover to all default settings, and even have imported my 
>> friend's Voiceover settings from his macbook which did absolutely no good.
>> The issue is that when I go into Text Edit, and create either a rich text, 
>> or a plain txt document, either/or, which has carriage returns throughout 
>> the file, I'm literally seeing the physical carriage return code on the 
>> display.
>> So, for instance, say I open up Text Edit, and type the following:
>> Hello, then after the letter o in hello is typed, I immediately hit return 
>> to make a new line.
>> Then on the next line of text, I write:  
>> My name is Chris.
>> OK, if you're reading this with a braille display currently, and you are in 
>> uncontracted braille, let me type out literally what you'll see.  Note to 
>> nonbraille display users, the following line of text is going to look very 
>> strange:
>> ,hello1 my "n is ,*ris4
>> However, after the low d, (dots 2, 5, and 6,) for the period sign, I see the 
>> letter j, (dots 2, 4, and 5,) plus in that same cell, dots 7 and 8.  Just to 
>> further! wackid things up, as if that isn't odd enough, if I move the 
>> literal text edit insertion point to the end of the first line of text with 
>> command+up arrow, followed by command+right arrow, that j+dots 7 and 8 now 
>> turns into two cells.  Both have dots 7 8 under them.  Basically, now, 
>> instead of just a letter j, I now see m, (dots 1, 3, and 4,) followed by the 
>> letter j, (dots 2, 4, and 5.)  
>> So in other words, instead of seeing:
>> Hello
>> My name is Chris.
>> I see:
>> cap sign, (dot 6,) helloj+dots 7 and 8my name is cap sign chris.
>> All of that on one line of text.  Move to the end of the line with the word 
>> hello, and then it goes to:
>> Hellomj+dots 7 and 8my name is Chris.
>> Again, all on one line.  No, I am not mistaking the j or mj with dots 7 and 
>> 8 as the blinking cursor.  That's just showing as a blinking dot 7, which is 
>> to the right of the mj, or if at the start of the line, is under the dot 6 
>> capital sign.
>> I've tried turning off contracted braille, and also have tried enabling and 
>> disabling dot 7 8 braille.  NO good.
>> I've tried English US, and also have tried English Unified in Braille on 
>> Voiceover Utility in the language popup button.  They both are producing 
>> this issue.
>> I've rebooted the mac.  NO good.  I've unplugged and replugged the USB cord 
>> both from the mac side, and from the display side.  I've swapped out the USB 
>> cable, and that didn't work either.
>> I've thrown the thing across the room and then paid him back ten grand.  
>> LOL!  Only kidding on that one!  I feel like I could! though?
>> I called Apple Accessibility, 1-877-204-3930, Option 2 from IVR, and they 
>> were stumped beyond belief!  My friend using a white Polycarbon macbook mid 
>> 2010, 13 inch also on Yosemite 10.10.4 official release is not having this 
>> issue.
>> We've looked in Text Edit's preferences, and compared our settings.  All are 
>> 100% identical.  I've reset my settings.  NO good.  I'm totally out of 
>> possibilities.  I think Pages calls these things the display is showing, 
>> "Invisibles."  Pages isn't having this issue though.  It is *only!* doing it 
>> in Text Edit.  My friend isn't having this issue at all.  Not even! in Text 
>> Edit.  This isn't an assumption either.  We very concreetly tried it, and 
>> sure enough.  It's not occurring on his system.
>> The only thing I've not done is to delete the .plist file associated with 
>> Text Edit.  I'm not sure though where that file would be exactly, nor what 
>> it would be called.  I'm sure I could find it easily enough, but I've not 
>> gone that far just quite yet.
>> Aside that though, I am totally out of options!
>> I've even looked under Accessibility within System Prefs, but see absolutely 
>> nothing rellavent.
>> Please please! can someone help before I go insane over here trying to 
>> figure this out, or put my friend in a mental institution?  LOL!
>> Chris.
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