Hi Nic,

I think you're dead on.  At least for me, my work environment has had  
a very definite impact on my experience with my Mac.
I think I'm also lucky.  I never switched to Windows Vista, thank God!  
I'm still running XP, which I think makes my Windows life a lot easier!
Take care,
On Oct 22, 2009, at 2:54 AM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:

> Hi,
> I think one of the biggest issues that are represented here is work.
> Depending on what you're doing, the company you work for might require
> that you work with their systems, most likely Windows or Linux. I've
> encountered companies in my country that use Mac OS X, but not many,
> which definitely does get confusing. I would suppose that, if you work
> more than you have time to play with your Mac, the PC immediately
> takes priority for obvious reasons and it'll take you longer to get
> used to it.
> I study computer science, and on occasion I actually have to struggle
> with Windows commands. I find Windows so sluggish and unresponsive now
> compared to the Mac, and that's not an attempt to slam it, because I'm
> sure it has its advantages for some people, it's just not snappy and
> stable enough for what I need it to do.. Granted, I mostly do use my
> Mac for things such as browsing the web, editing, reading mail and so-
> forth, but what frustrated me with Windows was the crashes. That is
> one thing I don't miss. Otherwise, Windows is definitely a good
> system. For me, it just wasn't good enough, so to speak, and it
> frustrated the heck out of me sometimes. Sometimes I was happy with
> it, to be fair. But I also think one superiority the Mac has over the
> Windows operating system is the integrated screen access software. If
> you update your display drivers, you don't need to spend time
> reinstalling and installing applications to discover it didn't work,
> then install the latest version of an application such as JAWS to
> finally make it understand that you actually want Video Intercept
> installed for the thousandth time, then downgrade if you don't like
> JAWS 11. If you're me, you don't like JAWS 11, but that's another
> story entirely. But that's another thing that made me all too willing
> to switch, with no regrets. Yeah, I wish someone would put together a
> MUD client that actually had VoiceOver support, or at least utilize
> the text to speech features that use the built-in voices without
> VoiceOver. That'd at least be a start.
> Otherwise, I don't use Windows at all except to comply with those
> people who still send me executables on CDs. Or to play MUDs. You can
> do exactly the same things on the Mac as you can on Windows, the only
> problem every switcher probably has is the fact that they don't know
> which applications to look for to accomplish said task. I've had my
> Mac since August 1 as I said earlier, and I certainly don't know all
> the substitutes for Windows programs yet. That having been said, I
> only use Windows for the tasks written above.
> Thought I'd share my views once again, and I'll probably be writing
> more.
> Regards,
> Nic
> Skype: Kvalme
> MSN Messenger: nico...@home3.gvdnet.dk
> AIM: cincinster
> yahoo Messenger: cin368
> Facebook Profile
> My Twitter
> On Oct 22, 2009, at 5:44 AM, May McDonald wrote:
>> Smile, thank you very much.
>> On 2009-10-21, at 8:41 PM, Ryan Mann wrote:
>>> You can see the commands that are set up by default by doing the
>>> following:
>>> 1.  Open VoiceOver utility.
>>> 2.  Interact with the Utility categories table and vo+downarrow to
>>> the
>>> commands category, then stop interacting.
>>> 3.  Select the Keyboard tab.
>>> 4.  Vo+rightarrow and you should hear a checkbox to enable keyboard
>>> commander.  Check that box.
>>> 5.  Vo+rightarrow again and you should hear "keyboard commander
>>> table."  Interact with that table.  After you interact with that
>>> table, you should be able to use the usual VoiceOver navigation
>>> commands to hear what commands are set.
>>> n Oct 21, 2009, at 10:50 PM, May McDonald wrote:
>>>> Hmm, that's really good to know.  Is there a place where I can find
>>>> other commands the apple script has?  I guess I'll go check that
>>>> option now.
>>>> On 2009-10-21, at 7:27 PM, Ryan Mann wrote:
>>>>> Hello.  If you're running Snow Leopard and you have Voiceover set
>>>>> to
>>>>> allow it to be controled by Apple Script, you can hit option+t to
>>>>> check the time.
>>>>> On Oct 21, 2009, at 8:16 PM, peter apgar wrote:
>>>>>> well said all,
>>>>>>  there are several cool factors for the mac os.  one of which is
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> fact that we don't have to pay extra for the accessibility.
>>>>>> however
>>>>>> the largest down fall is the majority of work places do not
>>>>>> support
>>>>>> OSX.  for this reason alone i only have limited time to explore
>>>>>> its
>>>>>> virtues.  i will second  the same issues that Donna posted
>>>>>> previously.  additionally i have found that  there is a lot more
>>>>>> interaction for simple tasks.  double the key strokes for the  
>>>>>> same
>>>>>> actions as in ms is just a minor peev.  i am quite worried that
>>>>>> running two or possibly three systems may become overwhelming  
>>>>>> when
>>>>>> begining a graduate program.  i guess only time will tell.  has
>>>>>> any
>>>>>> one written code for a quick check of the time?
>>>>>> Have good evening,
>>>>>> Pete
>>>>>> On Oct 21, 2009, at 11:51 AM, May McDonald wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi all, I guess I'll jump in on this thread as well.  I haven't
>>>>>>> had
>>>>>>> my
>>>>>>> mac for 2 months yet, but pretty close.
>>>>>>> I'm amazed that I was able to make the switch so easily to the
>>>>>>> mac.
>>>>>>> In fact, now whenever I have to use a windows machine I finder
>>>>>>> it a
>>>>>>> little harder to think of the windows commands because they
>>>>>>> aren't
>>>>>>> used by me all the time anymore, smile.
>>>>>>> I will be putting windows 7 on this mac but again it won't be
>>>>>>> used
>>>>>>> all
>>>>>>> the time, only for scanning because I liked my scanning software
>>>>>>> for
>>>>>>> windows and to play games.  Other than that, it will be hidden
>>>>>>> behind
>>>>>>> mac.
>>>>>>> I'm glad I made the switch and now go back to the basics and
>>>>>>> figure
>>>>>>> out how sly and vo work, lol.
>>>>>>> On 2009-10-21, at 8:41 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:
>>>>>>>> Wow, Nic, you are a determined soul! :)  I'm glad that after  
>>>>>>>> all
>>>>>>>> you
>>>>>>>> had to go through with the install, the Mac turned out to suit
>>>>>>>> your
>>>>>>>> needs.
>>>>>>>> You people who have taken so readily to web-browsing on the  
>>>>>>>> Mac,
>>>>>>>> fascinate me.  I keep playing with it, hoping to come to the
>>>>>>>> same
>>>>>>>> conclusion, but it just doesn't happen.  For example, I am
>>>>>>>> currently
>>>>>>>> job-hunting, and the other night, received a job match from a
>>>>>>>> site I
>>>>>>>> am registered with.  When  Safari loaded the page and auto- 
>>>>>>>> read,
>>>>>>>> it
>>>>>>>> read everything just as you would expect.  But then, I  
>>>>>>>> decided I
>>>>>>>> wanted to take a second look at the preferred qualifications. I
>>>>>>>> couldn't find them to save my soul! I arrowed around, I
>>>>>>>> interacted
>>>>>>>> with stuff, and nothing.  So, I booted up my Pc, went into IE,
>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>> found what I was looking for in two seconds. And I still have  
>>>>>>>> no
>>>>>>>> clue
>>>>>>>> what I should have done to locate that info in Safari.  I often
>>>>>>>> feel
>>>>>>>> like because of all the interacting and stuff, that viewing a
>>>>>>>> webpage
>>>>>>>> in Safari is like looking at it through tinted glass or
>>>>>>>> through a
>>>>>>>> veil
>>>>>>>> that only lets you see the outline of what you're looking at.
>>>>>>>> Links
>>>>>>>> of course are no problem, it's the text content that is often
>>>>>>>> very
>>>>>>>> difficult to locate.
>>>>>>>> I highly recommend the iphone, I've found it to be a delightful
>>>>>>>> little
>>>>>>>> toy, um, I mean, device. *grin*
>>>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>>>> Donna
>>>>>>>> On Oct 21, 2009, at 11:03 AM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>>> Definitely quite an interesting story.
>>>>>>>>> I got my Mac on August 1. It was actually an odd experience. I
>>>>>>>>> went
>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>> an Apple store a couple weeks prior to my purchase just to try
>>>>>>>>> it
>>>>>>>>> out.
>>>>>>>>> I had attempted to use OS X 10.4, Tiger in the past at an
>>>>>>>>> institute
>>>>>>>>> for the blind, but I actually didn't like it. I thought it was
>>>>>>>>> quite
>>>>>>>>> literally a pile of crap.
>>>>>>>>> I start listening to podcasts that sighted and blind users  
>>>>>>>>> have
>>>>>>>>> done
>>>>>>>>> for the Macintosh, and figure I'll give it another shot. I
>>>>>>>>> finally
>>>>>>>>> decided to purchase a Mac, because I had frankly become
>>>>>>>>> extremely
>>>>>>>>> frustrated with Windows and most certainly Vista. XP has  
>>>>>>>>> always
>>>>>>>>> been
>>>>>>>>> my favorite if I do have to use Windows. I'd become tired of
>>>>>>>>> how
>>>>>>>>> many
>>>>>>>>> things you needed for Windows to work efficiently. Sometimes
>>>>>>>>> you
>>>>>>>>> had
>>>>>>>>> to worry about corrupted files, leftovers from previously
>>>>>>>>> installed
>>>>>>>>> applications, that sort of thing not to mention the registry.
>>>>>>>>> The
>>>>>>>>> headache.
>>>>>>>>> So I decided to take the plunge.
>>>>>>>>> I read through the entire VoiceOver manual the day before I
>>>>>>>>> went
>>>>>>>>> back
>>>>>>>>> to the store, and wrote down notes for the things I figured  
>>>>>>>>> I'd
>>>>>>>>> mostly
>>>>>>>>> be using for a while. When I arrived at the store, I went to
>>>>>>>>> try
>>>>>>>>> it
>>>>>>>>> out again to make sure a Mac would be what I desired. It
>>>>>>>>> definitely
>>>>>>>>> was. So much that, in fact, that even though they only had a
>>>>>>>>> showroom
>>>>>>>>> floor model at the time, I grabbed it. The cleaned it off
>>>>>>>>> thoroughly,
>>>>>>>>> wrapped it up and tossed the DVDs I'd need in the box. I was
>>>>>>>>> happy.
>>>>>>>>> So
>>>>>>>>> very happy.
>>>>>>>>> I arrive home, and I'm practically tingling with excitement. I
>>>>>>>>> almost
>>>>>>>>> rip the box apart (taking care of the DVDs of course), get out
>>>>>>>>> my
>>>>>>>>> shiny Macbook and hook it up.
>>>>>>>>> Oh no!
>>>>>>>>> What I did know was that I had to reinstall it, but I didn't
>>>>>>>>> care. I
>>>>>>>>> didn't want any of that junk on it they had installed to
>>>>>>>>> advertise.
>>>>>>>>> So
>>>>>>>>> i went ahead. I rebooted it, held down the C-key when the
>>>>>>>>> installation
>>>>>>>>> DVD had been sucked into the Mac and I heard the startup  
>>>>>>>>> sound.
>>>>>>>>> It
>>>>>>>>> displayed the finder and spat out the DVD. Literally. So I
>>>>>>>>> decided
>>>>>>>>> that apparently wasn't working for whatever reason. I located
>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>> installer DVD in the finder and open it. Authentication. God
>>>>>>>>> dang
>>>>>>>>> it!
>>>>>>>>> Behold the password box. I was required to enter a password to
>>>>>>>>> proceed. Of course, the Macbook had not been set to require a
>>>>>>>>> password
>>>>>>>>> at login.
>>>>>>>>> I call them at the store, and ask them for a password. I told
>>>>>>>>> them
>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>> C-key solution had not worked to boot from the DVD, and they
>>>>>>>>> promptly
>>>>>>>>> complied with my request. They gave me several passwords to
>>>>>>>>> enter,
>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>> I did.
>>>>>>>>> "The name or password you entered is incorrect."
>>>>>>>>> I went back to the store, and they had a look at it. Most
>>>>>>>>> annoying
>>>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>>>> all was that finally, the C-key actually seemed to work. I was
>>>>>>>>> installing it when I got home. By this point, I was like a kid
>>>>>>>>> on
>>>>>>>>> his
>>>>>>>>> birthday.
>>>>>>>>> I thought I'd share my experience with all of you on the list.
>>>>>>>>> Yes, I
>>>>>>>>> am aware it's probably quite long-winded. But what can you
>>>>>>>>> do? I
>>>>>>>>> do
>>>>>>>>> run Windows as a virtual machine, but only to MUD. I do
>>>>>>>>> sometimes
>>>>>>>>> find
>>>>>>>>> it kind of annoying having to run two programs just to scan  
>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>> recognize the image. That is why I liked Omnipage, and there
>>>>>>>>> has
>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>> be
>>>>>>>>> a solution out there that does exactly the same.
>>>>>>>>> As for my web browsing experience, everything is much more
>>>>>>>>> smooth
>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>> responsive. I can easily find what I want by using the search
>>>>>>>>> feature
>>>>>>>>> in VoiceOver, and ever since Leopard was released the web  
>>>>>>>>> rotor
>>>>>>>>> makes
>>>>>>>>> it even easier, not to mention Auto web spots. So yes, I do  
>>>>>>>>> use
>>>>>>>>> Windows. Rarely, but I do. And I'm definitely not ashamed to
>>>>>>>>> admit
>>>>>>>>> it.
>>>>>>>>> But if a MUD client was accessible to VoiceOver, I would not
>>>>>>>>> touch
>>>>>>>>> it
>>>>>>>>> again. I've found my experience with Mac has not only been
>>>>>>>>> productive,
>>>>>>>>> but fun and enjoyable where as with Windows, I wanted to throw
>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>> machine through the window half the time I was using it due to
>>>>>>>>> freezes, driver errors and so-forth.
>>>>>>>>> Well, I think I'm done now. I want an iPhone, now that you
>>>>>>>>> mention
>>>>>>>>> it,
>>>>>>>>> but at the same time you don't always need to have the latest
>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>> greatest. And I need to realize that. :P. Yes, I loved the
>>>>>>>>> iPhone
>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>> I'm used to the gestures since I use my trackpad quite a lot,
>>>>>>>>> but
>>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>>> the same time, I need a phone for text messaging and phone
>>>>>>>>> calls.
>>>>>>>>> That
>>>>>>>>> is about it. It'll probably be faster to accomplish those  
>>>>>>>>> tasks
>>>>>>>>> with
>>>>>>>>> the iPhone, I have no doubt about it. Maybe one day I'll even
>>>>>>>>> get
>>>>>>>>> one.
>>>>>>>>> But when I find a really good reason except for all the apps
>>>>>>>>> you
>>>>>>>>> can
>>>>>>>>> seemingly install with no issues, perfectly usable, then I
>>>>>>>>> won't
>>>>>>>>> buy
>>>>>>>>> one. Besides, who wants to pay $99.95 for an iPhone plan in
>>>>>>>>> Denmark?
>>>>>>>>> Not me.
>>>>>>>>> Have a great afternoon, folks. I at least know those living in
>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>> Eastern timezone are approaching lunch time. :)
>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>>> Nic
>>>>>>>>> Skype: Kvalme
>>>>>>>>> MSN Messenger: nico...@home3.gvdnet.dk
>>>>>>>>> AIM: cincinster
>>>>>>>>> yahoo Messenger: cin368
>>>>>>>>> Facebook Profile
>>>>>>>>> My Twitter
>>>>>>>>> On Oct 21, 2009, at 4:17 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>>>>>>> I Thought I'd weigh in here, since I got my Mac around the
>>>>>>>>>> same
>>>>>>>>>> time
>>>>>>>>>> almost, I'm going on three months now.
>>>>>>>>>> I agree with Anouk, and would add that I often find it's
>>>>>>>>>> easier
>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>> use my PC for work-related tasks.  As I mentioned earlier, I
>>>>>>>>>> use
>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>> ap Blackboard, which I have to use Windows for, as Safari
>>>>>>>>>> isn't
>>>>>>>>>> currently supported.. Since I'm logged into Blackboard most
>>>>>>>>>> days,
>>>>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>>>>> sort of automatically means I'm using my PC, and the Mac gets
>>>>>>>>>> relegated to after-hours.
>>>>>>>>>> I also still strongly prefer web-browsing on my PC.  I've had
>>>>>>>>>> so
>>>>>>>>>> many
>>>>>>>>>> experiences where on the Mac I simply cannot locate an item
>>>>>>>>>> that I
>>>>>>>>>> know is on a certain page.  This never happens to me on the
>>>>>>>>>> PC. I
>>>>>>>>>> find
>>>>>>>>>> that when browsing, I can do things in half the time on my  
>>>>>>>>>> PC,
>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>> sometimes on the Mac, even after spending the extra time, I
>>>>>>>>>> don't
>>>>>>>>>> find
>>>>>>>>>> what I'm looking for, and end up going back to the PC anyway.
>>>>>>>>>> I'm an avid reader, and so do a lot of scanning. I really
>>>>>>>>>> don't
>>>>>>>>>> like
>>>>>>>>>> the idea of having to use two separate programs, one for
>>>>>>>>>> scanning
>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>> one for the OCR, especially when I have one program on my PC
>>>>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>>>>> will
>>>>>>>>>> do both jobs quite nicely.  This of course isn't an Apple
>>>>>>>>>> issue,
>>>>>>>>>> but I
>>>>>>>>>> do think that for many of us who are blind, the lack of a  
>>>>>>>>>> good
>>>>>>>>>> solid
>>>>>>>>>> scanning/ocr option, is a real obstacle in terms of seeing  
>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>> Mac
>>>>>>>>>> as
>>>>>>>>>> a PC replacement.
>>>>>>>>>> Like Anouk, I've also pretty much decided to keep both a Mac
>>>>>>>>>> and a
>>>>>>>>>> PC.  at least for now, though I confess I'm tempted some days
>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>> just
>>>>>>>>>> go back to my PC, in the interest of running just one OS on
>>>>>>>>>> one
>>>>>>>>>> computer.  When I got my Mac, I had hoped not to upgrade to
>>>>>>>>>> JAWS
>>>>>>>>>> 11
>>>>>>>>>> and Windows 7, but it looks like I'll be getting both. I use
>>>>>>>>>> my
>>>>>>>>>> PC
>>>>>>>>>> for
>>>>>>>>>> work, for scanning, and for most of my web browsing, which is
>>>>>>>>>> 90%
>>>>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>>>>> what I do.  I like the Mac a lot.  I like that VO is built
>>>>>>>>>> in, I
>>>>>>>>>> like
>>>>>>>>>> the speed and responsiveness of the Mac, I like the fact that
>>>>>>>>>> it
>>>>>>>>>> doesn't take a year to boot or load an ap, and I like working
>>>>>>>>>> with
>>>>>>>>>> Itunes (I'm still running 8.2.), and I think the Mac seems to
>>>>>>>>>> be
>>>>>>>>>> far
>>>>>>>>>> superior in how it works with Media. But the PC is what I go
>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>> for
>>>>>>>>>> the things I really need to get done. I think for me, my
>>>>>>>>>> experience
>>>>>>>>>> with the Mac reflects my experience with the iphone.  When I
>>>>>>>>>> compare
>>>>>>>>>> my iphone with my old Windows Mobile phone, the iphone is  
>>>>>>>>>> much
>>>>>>>>>> more
>>>>>>>>>> fun! I love the aps, the games, the ability to quickly do
>>>>>>>>>> things
>>>>>>>>>> like
>>>>>>>>>> check weather, whereas my WM phone was loaded with all kinds
>>>>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>>>>> practical stuff for editing documents spreadsheets,
>>>>>>>>>> powerpoint,
>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>> so
>>>>>>>>>> on.  I don't want to do any of that stuff on my phone, so for
>>>>>>>>>> me,
>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>> iphone is by far the better fit.  but when it comes to a
>>>>>>>>>> computer,
>>>>>>>>>> it
>>>>>>>>>> cuts the other way, and I find myself favoring the PC which
>>>>>>>>>> seems
>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>> lend itself more to the day-to-day things I need to get done.
>>>>>>>>>> Best,
>>>>>>>>>> Donna
>>>>>>>>>> On Oct 21, 2009, at 5:05 AM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Hi again folks,
>>>>>>>>>>> Yes, broadcasts can certainly be done. Nicecast from Rogue
>>>>>>>>>>> Amoeba
>>>>>>>>>>> http://rogueamoeba.com
>>>>>>>>>>> works extremely well. The only issue seems to be the effects
>>>>>>>>>>> scroll
>>>>>>>>>>> area, but I hope they'll be working on that. Otherwise, it
>>>>>>>>>>> works
>>>>>>>>>>> ridiculously well, in fact, and I have nothing to complain
>>>>>>>>>>> about.
>>>>>>>>>>> I'm not exactly sure about your Thumbkey thing. I don't get
>>>>>>>>>>> it.
>>>>>>>>>>> If
>>>>>>>>>>> you
>>>>>>>>>>> can elaborate? Maybe I'm being dense here. :).
>>>>>>>>>>> As for VLC, I've never actually tried it out, and I
>>>>>>>>>>> personally
>>>>>>>>>>> love
>>>>>>>>>>> using Safari for web browsing. For me,  everything is much
>>>>>>>>>>> faster.
>>>>>>>>>>> Also, which braille display are you using?
>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>>>>> Nic
>>>>>>>>>>> Skype: Kvalme
>>>>>>>>>>> MSN Messenger: nico...@home3.gvdnet.dk
>>>>>>>>>>> AIM: cincinster
>>>>>>>>>>> yahoo Messenger: cin368
>>>>>>>>>>> Facebook Profile
>>>>>>>>>>> My Twitter
>>>>>>>>>>> On Oct 21, 2009, at 10:22 AM, Tony Bernedal wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi again.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Wow. Echomac, never heard of it but when I google it I  
>>>>>>>>>>>> found
>>>>>>>>>>>> http://echomac.sourceforge.net/
>>>>>>>>>>>> I'll try it when I'm back home from work.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Anouk, I had a fire dtv reciever and used it with dvb  
>>>>>>>>>>>> viewer
>>>>>>>>>>>> on
>>>>>>>>>>>> windows and Eye tv have driver for it so I gave it a try  
>>>>>>>>>>>> but
>>>>>>>>>>>> it
>>>>>>>>>>>> doesn't work as I want at the moment.
>>>>>>>>>>>> I have readiris on the disk and I'm going to try it out and
>>>>>>>>>>>> see
>>>>>>>>>>>> how
>>>>>>>>>>>> it
>>>>>>>>>>>> works with swedish language and so on.
>>>>>>>>>>>> I have heard of some broadcast tools for mac but at the
>>>>>>>>>>>> moment I
>>>>>>>>>>>> haven't looked in to it. I don't broadcast at the moment so
>>>>>>>>>>>> it
>>>>>>>>>>>> doesn't
>>>>>>>>>>>> have so high priority. I still have my studio pc sitting
>>>>>>>>>>>> under
>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>> desk so I can use stationplaylist and all the broadcast
>>>>>>>>>>>> stuff
>>>>>>>>>>>> if I
>>>>>>>>>>>> want to.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards Tony
>>>>>>>>>>>> 2009/10/21, a radix <anou...@home.nl>:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hey Tony, Nice to hear from you! (the world is a small
>>>>>>>>>>>>> place)
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Funny
>>>>>>>>>>>>> we
>>>>>>>>>>>>> started our mac journey at the seem time. I am curious,  
>>>>>>>>>>>>> can
>>>>>>>>>>>>> you
>>>>>>>>>>>>> broadcast on
>>>>>>>>>>>>> the mac? I guess otsjuke wont work and obiously shoutcast
>>>>>>>>>>>>> wont
>>>>>>>>>>>>> either. I was
>>>>>>>>>>>>> thinking of running windows with vmware but now I am just
>>>>>>>>>>>>> thinking
>>>>>>>>>>>>> to ask my
>>>>>>>>>>>>> brother to help me install windows 7 via bootcamp instead.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Has
>>>>>>>>>>>>> anyone got
>>>>>>>>>>>>> experience with installing windows via bootcamp as dual
>>>>>>>>>>>>> boot?
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Is
>>>>>>>>>>>>> it
>>>>>>>>>>>>> diffucult? I presume the drivers for windows 7 for the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> macbook
>>>>>>>>>>>>> pro
>>>>>>>>>>>>> will be
>>>>>>>>>>>>> available from apple? I still want to try vuescan an
>>>>>>>>>>>>> dreadiris,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>>>>>>>> fact i
>>>>>>>>>>>>> have the programs on my computer bu tI want to wait till  
>>>>>>>>>>>>> hp
>>>>>>>>>>>>> releases the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> drivers for my scanner that are native to sl, also I hope
>>>>>>>>>>>>> by
>>>>>>>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>>>>>>>> time abbyy
>>>>>>>>>>>>> will have released a demo of finereader for the mac that  
>>>>>>>>>>>>> is
>>>>>>>>>>>>> native
>>>>>>>>>>>>> to sl. I
>>>>>>>>>>>>> am just concerned that either adf wont work, scanning iwll
>>>>>>>>>>>>> be
>>>>>>>>>>>>> very
>>>>>>>>>>>>> slow or
>>>>>>>>>>>>> dutch character recognition wont be as good as omnipage.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I am surprised that you also have the thumbkey problem, i
>>>>>>>>>>>>> thought
>>>>>>>>>>>>> it was
>>>>>>>>>>>>> something stupid on my part, corrupt install whatever. I
>>>>>>>>>>>>> guess
>>>>>>>>>>>>> we
>>>>>>>>>>>>> will both
>>>>>>>>>>>>> have to mail apple accessibility about this.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> So, you are using a tv tuner with your mac? This is the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> next
>>>>>>>>>>>>> thing
>>>>>>>>>>>>> i want to
>>>>>>>>>>>>> taccle since now I have an analog tv standing on my desk
>>>>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>>>>> it
>>>>>>>>>>>>> is
>>>>>>>>>>>>> taking up
>>>>>>>>>>>>> space that I could use otherwise. I did have digital tv in
>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> past
>>>>>>>>>>>>> bu tI
>>>>>>>>>>>>> had a lot of trouble with it and in the end just went back
>>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>>> analog. There
>>>>>>>>>>>>> are not that many tuners for the mac I think (analog or
>>>>>>>>>>>>> otherwise)
>>>>>>>>>>>>> and I
>>>>>>>>>>>>> guess even less that are available in Europe. Which do you
>>>>>>>>>>>>> use? I
>>>>>>>>>>>>> guess as
>>>>>>>>>>>>> long as I get one with a remote things will be ok (if it
>>>>>>>>>>>>> indeed
>>>>>>>>>>>>> can
>>>>>>>>>>>>> find the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> channels).
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I too LOVE the sleep features of the mac, i never turn  
>>>>>>>>>>>>> mine
>>>>>>>>>>>>> off,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> just close
>>>>>>>>>>>>> the lid and thats it.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Greetings, Anouk,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>>>>>>>>>>> From: "Tony Bernedal" <t...@bernedal.net>
>>>>>>>>>>>>> To: <macvisionaries@googlegroups.com>
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sent: Wednesday, October 21, 2009 9:16 AM
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Subject: Re: my 2 months with a mac
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Anouk.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I have also used my mac for around 3 months now, and like
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> you I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> still
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> use windows for a couple of things. I trying to get the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> scanning
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ocr to work on the mac but for now windows and omnipage
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> have
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> do
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> jobb. I had a license for windows xp lying on the shelf
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> from a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> no
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> longer working laptop and I installed xp with vmware as a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> virtual
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> machine and doing my scanning there and it works good but
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> virtual
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> machine is very slow. I also use windows for Echolink,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wich
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ham-radio software wich don't exist on the mac. Also the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> software
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> setup and program my hamradio stations is only windows
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> programs.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I'm
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> very happy mac user now and after some updates to snow
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> leopard
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> my
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> problems with it is gone.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I hope the issue with the thumbkey on your display can be
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> solved. I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> have same issue with alva satelite.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I also have a battle with EyeTV software wich for some  
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> odd
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> reason
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> doesn't find my tv channels on the cable network. And it
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> also
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> very
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> tricky to use with VO. I use VLC for webradio and movies
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> works
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> great (vlc version 1.x doesn't work under windows and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> linux
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> all
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> with screenreader, only on mac, great!).
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> And I also like the speed, starting my windows pc here at
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> works
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> take
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> forever and the mac is at the desktop in almost 0 time.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> And,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sleep
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> works well too.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> So I'm happy with my mac system.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Good luck with your mac!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards Tony
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2009/10/21, a radix <anou...@home.nl>:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hello, I have been using my mac for about 2 months now
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> especially
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> school
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> although at home I still often use my pc and I will
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> explain
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> below
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> why. In
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> general my experiences with the mac have been very
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> positive
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> especially
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> after
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> installing snow leopard. I can use skype and msn just as
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> well
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> as
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> on my
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> pc.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> And after I dumped itunes and started using vlc instead
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> watching
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> movies
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> listening to music became a breeze. I recently bought
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> apples
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> office suite
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> because I prefer that over using textedit or the free
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> text
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> editors/office
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> suits that are available. I am also intending to go and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> use
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> garage band
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the future if I can get that working with my yamaha
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> keyboard. I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> like the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> built-in speakers and sound quality alhtough listening
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> through
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> its sound
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> output with my own in ear monitors is nothing special. I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> still
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> find using
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the internet on the mac a bit mor ework then i did while
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> using
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> my
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> pc and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> goes a bit slower also when reading docucments i notice
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> cannot
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> endlessly use the right thumb key on my braille display
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> continue
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> reading,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> eventually i have to press the right arrow on my normal
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> keyboard
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> if I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> want
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to read onm. This does become irritating after a while  
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> if
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> you
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> need to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> read
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> long documents.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> At home I still mostly use my windows pc although i now
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> have
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gotten mail
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> working on the mac as well because 1. I use omnipage pro
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 16
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> under
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> windows
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> scan my books for school, while I know that there are
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> some
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> scanning
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> solutions for the mac that i will probbably try once the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> hp
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> drivers for
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sl
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> have been released I just dont know if they will be as
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> good
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> easy as
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> using omnipage pro 16 and am a bit hesistant to try it
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> because
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that (I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> really really hope that a full version of finereader  
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> will
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> eventually be
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> released for the mac since I have heard it can rival
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> omnipage
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> pro).
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Secondly there is filesharing, i will be brief. Ftp does
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> work
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> on
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the mac
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> with transmit which I rather like although I have not
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> registered
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it yet,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> questions i asked its support team went unanswered.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Usenet
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> also
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> works but
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> udner windows I preferred to use other programs which  
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> are
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> not
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> available
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> on
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the mac.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The third point is playing games which I do a lot on the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> pec
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> especially
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> interactive fiction and muds. There is an interpreter  
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> interactive
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> fiction called zoom which I tried and although I can  
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> open
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> games
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> with it
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> saved games were a problem for me since I could not
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> open a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> saved
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> game
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> file
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (made in frotz).
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> For muds the situation on the mac is not so good, I play
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> them
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> all
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> time
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> on windows but there is only one mudclient that I know  
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> which
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> works
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> under
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sl and which is still being developed, jamochamud which
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> works
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> under java.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> It
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is not too accessible at the moment but the programmer
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> has
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> promised to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> look
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> at it, still it does not offer all the features even  
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> then
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> am used
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> on a windows client.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> As soon as windows 7 becomes officially available I am
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> planning
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> install
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it on my mac (probbably via bootcamp) so that I at least
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> can
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> use
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> my mac
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> all
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the time even if I need to use windows, hopefully for  
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> scanning and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> downloading tasks I will in the future be able to use  
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mac
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I have
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> hopes for muds as well but for now at least my mac is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mostly
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> used
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> school
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and in the library.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Greetings, Anouk,
> >

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