Absolute beginners can be the core of such a list as their questions  
often strike a spark in an old-timer's thought process which can lead  
to some really good ideas that one hadn't considered before because,  
like people in any profession, we can get stuck in our ways.

Also, I think their is a lack of AppleScript and VO hackers out there  
- maybe as few as five or so - providing a place where people can get  
help and help each other out will help build those roles and, given  
the imagination of such a group we might be able to do some really  
amazing things.

On Sep 2, 2009, at 7:56 AM, James & Nash wrote:

> Hi Chris,
> I think this is an excellent idea. However, I am not a programmer  
> although I
> am very interested in computers etc. Would there be room on the list  
> for
> complete beginners?
> Thanks
> James
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Chris Hofstader" <c...@hofstader.com>
> To: <macvisionaries@googlegroups.com>
> Sent: Wednesday, September 02, 2009 12:26 PM
> Subject: Another List? was: Re: apple script and vo
>> Hi,
>> Since SL hit the streets on Friday there has been a bit of chatter on
>> this and other general purpose VO/Mac related lists  about  
>> AppleScript
>> and other programming tools and issues.  I like reading these because
>> I'm a crusty old hacker with deep running geek tendencies; on the
>> other hand, I would bet that most people really don't care as they
>> will never attempt to write a program or a VO script.
>> I encourage everyone to do some sort of beginner programming tutorial
>> as just writing one or two very simple programs will help them
>> understand how and why computers do the things they do.  Such will
>> also build affinity for the other application developers and the gang
>> at Apple who bring us VO which will help one learn to be patient when
>> your favorite bug gets ignored for a pretty long time.
>> With that said, though, I would assume that the average person really
>> doesn't want to touch on programming in a system language or do any
>> scripting.  Furthermore, they probably don't want to read what can
>> look like Chinese to the uninitiated.
>> So, I propose an apple-hackers list for those of us who like a little
>> silicon under the fingernails so we can share ideas, techniques and
>> lend each other code so as to promote development and avoid wasting
>> time.  Anything I do will be GPL so people can download it from SVN  
>> on
>> hofstader.com
>> (when I get it set up) and others will have their own ways of
>> distributing things.
>> This has worked for the JAWS scripting and programming blind mailing
>> lists for over a decade and we members of one or both of them have  
>> had
>> the enjoyment of watching high school hackers go onto get a degree  
>> and
>> enter the workforce partially because we old-timers smack them around
>> a bit while pointing them in the right direction.
>> The reason I don't recommend programming blind for us Macsters is  
>> that
>> it is almost 100% Windows and GNU/Linux people there and a sudden
>> invasion of Mac people might make some people pretty uncomfortable as
>> we're adding an entirely new platform to the mix and they neither  
>> know
>> the answers nor, in most cases, have a Mac around to help us with our
>> problem.
>> What do you folks think?
>> cdh
>> Less than 1/2 cups...
>> On Sep 1, 2009, at 6:08 PM, Josh de Lioncourt wrote:
>>> XCode is an Integrated Development Environment for writing Mac OS X
>>> and iPhone applications. It has nothing whatsoever to do with X11,  
>>> and
>>> is indeed quite accessible with VoiceOver.
>>> On Sep 1, 2009, at 10:34 AM, James & Nash wrote:
>>>> Xcode is for the X11 windowing manager and tools which are Unix/
>>>> Linux tools
>>>> and not accessible with VO.
>>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>> From: "william lomas" <lomaswill...@googlemail.com>
>>>> To: <macvisionaries@googlegroups.com>
>>>> Sent: Tuesday, September 01, 2009 4:50 PM
>>>> Subject: Re: apple script and vo
>>>>> install x code
>>>>> On 1 Sep 2009, at 16:32, Marie Howarth wrote:
>>>>>> no developers tools, there was an optional install but x code was
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> only thing there. very confusing. lol
>>>>>> On Sep 1, 2009, at 4:21 PM, Jonathan C. Cohn wrote:
>>>>>>> Perhaps it is an optional install in SL? try putting in the
>>>>>>> install
>>>>>>> DVD maybe under developer tools.
>>>>>>> Let us know.
>>>>>>> Jon
>>>>>>> On Sep 1, 2009, at 11:01 AM, Marie Howarth wrote:
>>>>>>>> permissions was set to system but it says there are no items in
>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>> folder. hmm, how could I fix this?
>>>>>>>> On Sep 1, 2009, at 3:50 PM, Jonathan C. Cohn wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Permission problem maybe? In general unix, if the "X"
>>>>>>>>> permission is
>>>>>>>>> not set on a directory one can not navigate to it. Use  
>>>>>>>>> command-
>>>>>>>>> i on
>>>>>>>>> the directory and see what that says...
>>>>>>>>> On Sep 1, 2009, at 10:41 AM, Marie Howarth wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> that's the thing, I can't even find the apple script editor.
>>>>>>>>>> all
>>>>>>>>>> there
>>>>>>>>>> is in my apps folder is a folder called apple script and I
>>>>>>>>>> cannot
>>>>>>>>>> open
>>>>>>>>>> this folder no matter what I do. used to be able to in  
>>>>>>>>>> leopard,
>>>>>>>>>> not
>>>>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>>>>> SL.
>>>>>>>>>> On Sep 1, 2009, at 3:17 PM, Jonathan C. Cohn wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Hello, you need to use the scripteditor to edit your apple
>>>>>>>>>>> scripts.
>>>>>>>>>>> Is there a specific function you are interested in?
>>>>>>>>>>> A very basic apple script is:
>>>>>>>>>>> tell application "Mail"
>>>>>>>>>>> activate
>>>>>>>>>>> end tell
>>>>>>>>>>> These three lines would start the mail application and  
>>>>>>>>>>> make it
>>>>>>>>>>> your
>>>>>>>>>>> current application.
>>>>>>>>>>> Best wishes,
>>>>>>>>>>> Jon
>>>>>>>>>>> On Aug 31, 2009, at 12:30 PM, Marie Howarth wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> OK, I want to use apple script to set up some options on  
>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>> keyboard
>>>>>>>>>>>> commander. But how do I do that? apple script is a folder
>>>>>>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>>>>>>> no
>>>>>>>>>>>> matter what I do, I canot get to open. it takes me back to
>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>> devices
>>>>>>>>>>>> in sidebar for some odd reason, no matter how I try to open
>>>>>>>>>>>> it.
>>>>>>>>>>>> any
>>>>>>>>>>>> help would be greatly appreciated. I want to take advantage
>>>>>>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>>>>>>> using
>>>>>>>>>>>> apple script with VO to set up commands, but not sure how  
>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>> do
>>>>>>>>>>>> it.
>>>>>>>>>>>> any help would be great :)
> >

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