2009/3/29 Piero Faustini <pierofaust...@hotmail.com> > [...] > Integrate doesn't mean computer-pro. Sometimes it's opposite to pro. > Children use forums. They always had, because they are very, VERY simple. > Lists > are not that simple, comparing to forums (unless you care about cookies, > which > 99% of people don't). Everything has its thumb up and down. I believe you > that > with lists you can do many things which a forum can't. But that's not the > point. Lists are difficoult to use comparing to their advantages, so they > are > for PRO users, almost always have been, and in future I guess they will be > ONLY > for pro. Their worst difficoulty is to LEARN how it works (I spent some > days > puzzling and puzzling and sending messages to wrong addresses till I went > to > GMANE and used its forum-like interface) > > [...] > I found Lyx.org just because I read something, in a forum ;) of students. I > try > to use it and I get it working but that very day I get stuck trying to use > some > pics. Guide says I have to learn how to install it properly, and the basics > of > LaTeX. That's fair. Then I have to tweak something in the preamble. Ok. I > have > to change completely my Word-formatted mind. HARD, BUT I CAN. I just need > some > help, and LaTeX forums are not for LyXers and they're always with all that > \$%. > Then, they say me that I have to learn how to use a list (something I heard > of > at the beginning of the internet). I try once, twice. I give up lists. I > give > up LyX. > Hope will be better for next 999 users but I don't believe it. > > Against common Scientific-pro based opinions, I think LyX strategy should > be > "GO TO THE PEOPLE", to students, to humanists, to people who are not > computer- > pros which are millions. They still have to learn something aboute code > etc. > but the LyX community should ban everything which could stay between them > and > LyX and of course between them and LyX information (and is not strictly > needed). Lists are just one of these little annoying things.[...]
Don't feel offended, but I think LyX was not designed for children. Do not understand me wrong, but I am using Internet for 13 years and I know that news groups and lists have veeery looong tradition. Are there was times when even children uses them. Today we have the era of Web 2.0, but this does not mean that everything should be available by the the web. Personally forums are not my favourite way of discussion, they are fine for advetising. Mail lists are not ideal too, as often I receive lot of infomation I do not need - but in case of LyX it teach me a lot. Backing to the "children" subject, I want to tell you that I was a witness of specific change in the Internet itself in about 1999. In Poland that time new service from our "national" telecom operation become available - it allows to call to the internet by modem for the price of connection only. It was a revolution, beacause large number of people get wide access to "the global village", mainly childrens. The level of discussion on medias like maillists and IRC quickly has gone very low. Today we - all veterans of Internet in Poland - call these people "childrens of neostrada", as they still represent low level of discussion and culture. Nestrada - for you information - is the name of another service from "national operator sold to France Telecom" based on ADSL... I think this do not need more comment. I miss that times before commercialized Internet. -- Manveru jabber: manv...@manveru.pl gg: 1624001 http://www.manveru.pl